17/12/2024 |
Airworthiness review process / Import of aircraft from other regulatory systems, and Part 21 Subpart H review / Alignment of the IRs of the EASA Basic Regulation with Regulation (EU) No 376/2014
Opinion No 08/2024
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29/10/2024 |
Regular update of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/2117: Repository of civil-aviation-related information — List of information objects
Opinion No 07/2024
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11/10/2024 |
Training the next generation of ATCOs: Setting performance standards for the initial training output based on the principles of CBTA, enabling the virtualisation of training and the acceptance of ATCO licences issued by third countries
Opinion No 06/2024
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21/06/2024 |
Helicopter crash-resistant fuel systems | Information on cargo compartment fire protection capabilities | Runway overrun awareness and alerting systems | Conversion of Class D compartments
Opinion No 05/2024
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19/06/2024 |
New air mobility — CAW rules for electric- and hybrid-propulsion aircraft & other non-conventional aircraft | Gyroplanes: flight crew licensing for private pilot licences and non-commercial operations conducted in VFR by day and by night
Opinion No 04/2024
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19/06/2024 |
Implementation of the regulatory needs in support of the SESAR deployment | Introduction of ACAS Xa for operations and PBN specifications for oceanic operations in the single European sky (SES)
Opinion No 03/2024
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28/05/2024 |
Implementation of the latest CAEP amendments to ICAO Annex 16 Volumes I, II and III
Opinion No 02/2024
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16/01/2024 |
Ground handling requirements
Opinion No 01/2024
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13/10/2023 |
Cruise relief co-pilots | Regular update of flight crew licensing and medical requirements | Better flight crew licensing requirements for general aviation
Opinion No 05/2023
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01/09/2023 |
Regular update of the aerodrome rules: Aerodrome safety and change of aerodrome operator | Occurrence reporting
Opinion No 04/2023
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31/08/2023 |
Introduction of a regulatory framework for the operation of drones — Enabling innovative air mobility with MVCA, the initial airworthiness of UAS subject to certification, and the continuing airworthiness of those UAS operated in the 'specific' category
Opinion No 03/2023
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18/08/2023 |
Regular update of the standardised European rules of the air
Opinion No 02/2023
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31/01/2023 |
Regulatory framework on the conformity assessment of ATM/ANS systems and ATM/ANS constituents (ATM/ANS equipment) for the safe and seamless operation of the European ATM network
Opinion No 01/2023
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26/09/2022 |
Helicopter emergency medical service performance and public interest sites
Opinion No 08/2022
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06/09/2022 |
Review of Part-66 and New training methods and new teaching technologies
Opinion No 07/2022
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02/09/2022 |
Enhanced mobility options and streamlined qualifications for air traffic controllers
Opinion No 06/2022
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01/09/2022 |
Regular update of air operation rules — Postponement of the requirements for locating an aircraft in distress
Opinion No 05/2022
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14/07/2022 |
Repository of aviation-related information
Opinion No 04/2022
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27/04/2022 |
Amendments to the aeronautical data catalogue and the aeronautical information publication structure and content
Opinion No 03/2022
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25/04/2022 |
Update of Commission Regulation (EU) No 452/2014 (Third-Country Operator (TCO) Regulation)
Opinion No 02/2022
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08/02/2022 |
Large aeroplane tyre pressure monitoring | Helicopter ditching and water impact occupant survivability | Conversion of Class D compartments
Opinion No 01/2022
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22/10/2021 |
Part 21 Light — Certification and declaration of design compliance of aircraft used for sport and recreational aviation and related products and parts, and declaration of design and production capability of organisations
Opinion 05/2021
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16/09/2021 |
A continuing airworthiness management organisation (CAMO) for a single air carrier business grouping
Opinion 04/2021
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11/06/2021 |
Management of information security risks
Opinion 03/2021
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28/05/2021 |
All-weather operations and review of crew training requirements
Opinion 02/2021
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22/02/2021 |
Occurrence-reporting requirements and requirements for meteorological services
Opinion 01/2021
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21/12/2020 |
Embodiment of the SMS requirements into Annex II (Part-145) to Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 and into Annex I (Part 21) to Regulation (EU) No 748/2012
Opinion 04/2020
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09/10/2020 |
Implementation of the latest CAEP amendments to ICAO Annex 16 Volumes I, II and III
Opinion 03/2020
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08/10/2020 |
Fuel/energy planning and management
Opinion 02/2020
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13/03/2020 |
High-level regulatory framework for the U-space
Opinion 01/2020
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18/12/2019 |
Subpart FC ‘Flight Crew’ of Annex III (Part-ORO) to Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 - Update of ORO.FC: evidence-based training (EBT)|Alignment of implementing rules with Regulation (EU) No 376/2014
Opinion 08/2019 (A) & (B)
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18/12/2019 |
Instructions for continued airworthiness | Installation of parts and appliances that are released without an EASA Form 1 or equivalent
Opinion 07/2019
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09/12/2019 |
Amendment of Regulation (EC) No 29/2009 laying down requirements on data link services for the SES: Update of references — ED-120
Opinion 06/2019
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07/11/2019 |
Standard scenarios for UAS operations in the ‘specific’ category
Opinion 05/2019
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07/10/2019 |
‘Reduction of runway excursions' and 'Class-D compartments’
Opinion 04/2019
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24/06/2019 |
Runway safety
Opinion 03/2019
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22/02/2019 |
Amendments to Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 as regards requirements for aeroplane performance, alternate power supply for CVRs, in-flight recording for light aircraft & non-ETOPS operations with performance class A aeroplanes with MOPSC of 19 or less
Opinion 02/2019
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19/02/2019 |
Easier access for GA pilots to IFR flying & Revision of the balloon and sailplane licensing requirements
Opinion 01/2019 (A) & (B)
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22/05/2018 |
Requirements for air traffic services
Opinion 03/2018
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08/03/2018 |
Specific requirements for providers of meteorological services, aeronautical information services/aeronautical information management, and flight procedure design services; common rules for airspace structure design
Opinion 02/2018
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06/02/2018 |
Unmanned aircraft system (UAS) operations in the ‘open’ and ‘specific’ categories
Opinion 01/2018
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18/12/2017 |
Transposition of provisions on electronic flight bags from ICAO Annex 6
Opinion 10/2017
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07/11/2017 |
Implementation of the CAEP/10 amendments on climate change, emissions and noise
Opinion 09/2017
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23/10/2017 |
Modular light aircraft pilot licences
Opinion 08/2017
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29/08/2017 |
Revision of the operational rules for sailplanes
Opinion 07/2017
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29/06/2017 |
Loss of control prevention and recovery training
Opinion 06/2017
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29/06/2017 |
Amendments to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
Opinion 05/2017
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29/06/2017 |
Update of the rules on air operations and continuing airworthiness
Opinion 04/2017
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11/05/2017 |
Regular update of regulations regarding pilot training, testing and checking and the related oversight — Proposed amendments to Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 on automatic validation of flight crew licences
Opinion 03/2017
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08/03/2017 |
Maintenance check flights
Opinion 01/2017
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19/12/2016 |
Regular update of regulations regarding pilot training, testing and checking and the related oversight — Making the multi-crew pilot licence take-off and landing requirement more competency-based
Opinion 16/2016
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16/12/2016 |
Terrain awareness warning systems operation in instrument flight rules and visual flight rules, and terrain awareness warning systems for turbine-powered aeroplanes of less than 5 700 kg maximum certified take-off mass able to carry six to nine passengers
Opinion 15/2016
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09/12/2016 |
Aircrew medical fitness - Implementation of the recommendations made by the EASA-led Germanwings Task Force on the accident of the Germanwings Flight 9525
Opinion 14/2016
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17/11/2016 |
Technical records
Opinion 13/2016
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10/10/2016 |
Ageing aircraft structures
Opinion 12/2016
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07/09/2016 |
Training outside approved training organisations
Opinion 11/2016
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15/08/2016 |
Update of Part-MED (Annex IV to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011)
Opinion 09/2016
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02/08/2016 |
Performance-based navigation implementation in the European air traffic management network
Opinion 10/2016
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02/08/2016 |
Halon - Update of Part-26 to comply with ICAO Standards
Opinion 08/2016
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23/05/2016 |
Embodiment of level of involvement requirements into Part-21
Opinion 07/2016
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23/05/2016 |
Additional airworthiness specifications for operations: thermal/acoustic insulation materials
Opinion 04/2016
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20/05/2016 |
Seat crashworthiness improvement on large aeroplanes - Dynamic testing 16 g
Opinion 02/2016
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12/05/2016 |
Embodiment of safety management system (SMS) requirements into Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 - SMS in Part-M
Opinion 06/2016
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13/04/2016 |
Task force for the review of Part-M for General Aviation (PHASE II)
Opinion 05/2016
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29/03/2016 |
Maintaining the aerodromes rules - ICAO new approach classification
Opinion 03/2016
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07/01/2016 |
Revision of the European operational rules for balloons
Opinion 01/2016
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18/12/2015 |
Introduction of a regulatory framework for the operation of unmanned aircraft
Opinion of a technical nature
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11/11/2015 |
CAT operations at night or in IMC using single-engined turbine aeroplanes
Opinion 06/2015
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12/10/2015 |
Part-66 basic examinations performed by Part-147 Maintenance Training Organisations (MTOs)
Opinion 07/2015
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22/06/2015 |
B2L and L Part-66 aircraft maintenance licences
Opinion 05/2015
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22/05/2015 |
Helicopter Offshore Operations
Opinion 04/2015
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31/03/2015 |
Revision of operational approval criteria for Performance-Based Navigation (PBN)
Opinion 03/2015
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16/03/2015 |
Technical requirements and operating procedures for the provision of data to airspace users for the purpose of air navigation
Opinion 02/2015
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16/03/2015 |
European Commission policy initiative on aviation safety and a possible revision of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008
Opinion 01/2015
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17/12/2014 |
Implementation of CAEP/9 amendments
Opinion 05/2014
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16/12/2014 |
Amendment to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 923/2012 laying down the common rules of the air and operational provisions regarding services and procedures in air navigation (SERA Part C)
Opinion 04/2014
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16/12/2014 |
Requirements for service providers and the oversight thereof
Opinion 03/2014
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24/09/2014 |
Requirements for apron management services at aerodromes
Opinion 02/2014
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06/05/2014 |
Amendment of requirements for flight recorders and underwater locating devices
Opinion 01/2014
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16/12/2013 |
Control of suppliers
Opinion 12/2013
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03/12/2013 |
Licensing and medical certification of air traffic controllers
Opinion 11/2013
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09/10/2013 |
Part M General Aviation Task Force (Phase I)
Opinion 10/2013
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02/10/2013 |
Transfer of JAA cabin safety tasks
Opinion 09/2013
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25/09/2013 |
Additional Airworthiness requirements for Operations
Opinion 08/2013
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22/08/2013 |
Flight Testing
Opinion 07/2013
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10/06/2013 |
Critical maintenance tasks
Opinion 06/2013
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10/06/2013 |
Sterile flight deck procedures
Opinion 05/2013
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17/05/2013 |
Alignment of the EASA and the Single European Sky frameworks through the SES2+ initiative
Opinion 04/2013
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24/04/2013 |
Qualifications for flying in Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC)
Opinion 03/2013
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22/03/2013 |
Aircraft Continuing Airworthiness Monitoring
Opinion 02/2013
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05/02/2013 |
Authority, Organisation and Operations Requirements for Aerodromes
Opinion 01/2013
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27/11/2012 |
Alignment of Regulation No (EC) 2042/2003 with Regulation (EC) No 216/2008
Opinion 06/2012
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26/11/2012 |
Third Country Operators
Opinion 05/2012
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01/10/2012 |
Implementing Rules on Flight and Duty Time Limitations and rest requirements (FTL) for commercial air transport (CAT) with aeroplanes
Opinion 04/2012
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03/09/2012 |
Air Operations - OPS IV
Opinion 03/2012
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16/04/2012 |
Air Operations - OPS (Part-SPO)
Opinion 02/2012
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01/02/2012 |
Air Operations - OPS (Part-NCC and Part-NCO)
Opinion 01/2012
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13/12/2011 |
Operational Suitability Data
Opinion 07/2011
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02/12/2011 |
CAEP/8 Implementation
Opinion 06/2011
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11/11/2011 |
Standardised European Rules of the Air (SERA) Part B - Requirements regarding services in air navigation
Opinion 05/2011
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01/06/2011 |
Air Operations
Opinion 04/2011
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19/04/2011 |
Authority Requirements and Organisation Requirements
Opinion 03/2011
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19/04/2011 |
Cabin crew qualification and related attestation
Opinion 02/2011
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21/03/2011 |
ELA process and standard changes and repairs
Opinion 01/2011
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14/12/2010 |
Medical certification of pilots and medical fitness of cabin crew
Opinion 07/2010
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29/11/2010 |
Part-145 Single and Multiple Release
Opinion 06/2010
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18/10/2010 |
Common airspace usage requirements and operating procedures
Opinion 05/2010
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27/08/2010 |
Implementing Rules for Pilot Licensing
Opinion 04/2010
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28/05/2010 |
Licensing and medical certification of air traffic controllers
Opinion 03/2010
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28/05/2010 |
Operating procedures and on safety oversight in air traffic management and air navigation services
Opinion 02/2010
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19/05/2010 |
Draft amendment to Commission Regulation 1702/2003
Opinion 01/2010
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16/12/2009 |
Privileges of B1 and B2 aircraft maintenance licences AND Type and group ratings AND Type rating training
Opinion 05/2009
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15/12/2009 |
Aircraft maintenance licences for non-complex aircraft
Opinion 04/2009
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08/12/2009 |
Restricted type-certificates and restricted certificates of airworthiness
Opinion 03/2009
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12/11/2009 |
Repair and design changes to European Technical Standard Order (ETSO)
Opinion 02/2009
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26/08/2009 |
Possibility to deviate from airworthiness code in case of design changes
Opinion 01/2009
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10/10/2008 |
Authorised Release Certificate EASA Form 1
Opinion 06/2008
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01/10/2008 |
Time limit for demonstrating compliance with knowledge and experience requirements
Opinion 05/2008
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08/09/2008 |
New training requirements for maintenance personnel related to electrical wiring interconnection systems
Opinion 04/2008
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03/09/2008 |
CAEP/7 Implementation
Opinion 03/2008
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16/05/2008 |
Revised Part-M requirements for aircraft not used in Commercial Air Transport and Pilot-owner maintenance
Opinion 02/2008
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17/04/2008 |
Extension of the EASA system to the regulation of Air Traffic Management and Air Navigation Services (ATM/ANS)
Opinion 01/2008
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19/12/2007 |
Noise Certificates
Opinion 05/2007
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06/12/2007 |
Opinion 03/2007
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28/05/2007 |
Permit to Fly - Privileges for Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisations (CAMOs)
Opinion 04/2007
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11/02/2007 |
Permit to Fly
Opinion 02/2007
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01/02/2007 |
Continued operation of aircraft designed in the Soviet Union and currently registered by Member States
Opinion 01/2007
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26/12/2006 |
Principal place of business
Opinion 05/2006
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26/12/2006 |
Officially recognised standard
Opinion 04/2006
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09/11/2006 |
Miscellaneous Part 21
Opinion 03/2006
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26/09/2006 |
Amendment of Article 7.3.(c) of EC 2042/2003 to postpone the ultimate date of entry into force of the provisions of 145.A.30(g) and 145.A.30(h)(1) as applicable to large aircraft with a maximum take-off mass of more than 5700kg (28 September 2006), set by
Opinion 02/2006
view |
18/05/2006 |
Implementation of the changes resulting from amendment 8 of Volume I and amendment 5 of Volume II of Annex 16 of the Chicago Convention: Adapting Article 6 (1) of EC No 1592/2002, Article 21A.204 (b) 2 (i) and Appendix VI of EC No 1702/2003 (EASA For
Opinion 01/2006
view |
14/10/2005 |
Editorial changes to Annexes I (Part-M), II (Part-145), III (Part-66) and IV (Part-147) to the Commission Regulation (EC) No 2042/2003
Opinion 06/2005
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07/09/2005 |
Approvals of unlimited duration
Opinion 05/2005
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09/03/2005 |
Amendments to Annex I (Part-M) to the Commission Regulation (EC) No 2042/2003 and Annex I to Decision 2003/19/RM: Transfer of the amendments to Section One of JAR-OPS Subpart M (review of maintenance programmes by Operators) into Part-M and related AMC ma
Opinion 04/2005
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09/03/2005 |
Amendments to Annex III (Part-66) to the Commission Regulation (EC) No 2042/2003 and Annex IV to Decision 2003/19/RM: New paragraph 66.A.55 'Evidence of qualification' and related AMC.
Opinion 03/2005
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21/01/2005 |
Acceptance of Navigation Database Suppliers
Opinion 01/2005
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15/12/2004 |
Applicability, basic principles and essential requirements for pilot licensing and air operations and for the regulation of third country aircraft operated by third country operators
Opinion 03/2004
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01/10/2004 |
Amendment of Article 7 'Entry into force' of EC No 2042/2003: Amendment of Article 7.3.(c) to allow the Agency to make use of the opt-out provisions of this Article.
Opinion 02/2004
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24/02/2004 |
Amendments to Annex (Part 21) to the Commission Regulation (EC) No 1702/2003: Issuance of an authorised release certificate (EASA Form 1) for engines, propellers, parts or appliances by approved production organisations.
Opinion 01/2004
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09/01/2003 |
Commission Regulation on the airworthiness and environmental certification of aircraft and related products, parts and appliances, as well as for the certification of design and production organisations
Opinion 02/2003
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09/01/2003 |
Commission Regulation on the continuing airworthiness of aircraft and aeronautical products, parts and appliances, and on the approval of organisations and personnel involved in these tasks
Opinion 01/2003
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