The European Commission published the amended Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023-24 on 31 March 2023. The overall driver of Cluster 5 – ‘Climate, Energy and Mobility’ is to accelerate the green and digital transition, and the associated transformation of the economy, industry and society to achieve climate neutrality in Europe by 2050.
This cluster contains seven research actions, which have been delegated to the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) as contracting authority. The “NONCO2” project, which funds ANCEN, addresses the following action: Strengthening and coordinating a European network of experts in support to non-CO2 emission impact assessment and policy option assessment.
Outcome and output
The outcome below describes the expected and targeted benefit and impact the project will generate after successful completion. The output below describes the intended project results needed to achieve the expected/targeted outcome.
Expected outcome
The understanding of the climate impact of aviation non-CO2 emissions is constantly evolving; the recent report from the European Commission and EASA in 2020 highlighted the need to improve this understanding in order to implement effective mitigation measures.
Required output
The Aviation Non-CO2 Expert Network (ANCEN) is established (see the related Terms of Reference (ToR)) to facilitate a coordinated approach across a wide range of relevant stakeholders (e.g. scientific community, academia, aircraft manufacturers, aircraft operators, fuel producers, air navigation service providers (ANSPs), NGOs, regulators, analysts, and policymakers) in order to provide objective, timely, common, and credible technical advice.
This work can inform, where relevant, policy discussions on the development, agreement, and implementation of effective action within Europe and internationally, to mitigate the overall climate impacts caused by aviation (CO2 and non-CO2 emissions).
25/11/2024 | Overview historic and on-going work linked to the effects of aviation non- CO2 emissions on climate change |
ANCEN members
Myles | Allen | University of Oxford | CV Myles Allen |
Steve | Arrowsmith | EASA | CV Steve Arrowsmith |
Sebastian | Bake | Rolls-Royce | CV Sebastian Bake |
Marylin | Bastin | Eurocontrol | CV Marylin Bastin |
David | Batchelor | SESAR Joint Undertaking | CV David Batchelor |
Peter | Bechtold | European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts | CV Peter Bechtold |
Björn | Beckmann | German National Weather Service (DWD) | CV Björn Beckmann |
Celia | Bedoya del Olmo | Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGAC) Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility — Spain |
CV Celia Bedoya del Olmo |
Nicolas | Bellouin | University of Reading Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL) |
CV Nicolas Bellouin |
Stefan | Bickert | Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport – Germany | CV Stefan Bickert |
Irène | Boyer-Souchet | Air France | CV Irène Boyer-Souchet |
Jean-François | Brouckaert | Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking | CV Jean-François Brouckaert |
Ulrike | Burkhardt | DLR – Institute of Atmospheric Physics | CV Ulrike Burkhardt |
Robin | Deransy | Eurocontrol | CV Robin Deransy |
Penny | Dilara | European Commission – DG ENV | CV Penny Dilara |
Niclas | Dzikus | European Commission – DG RTD | CV Niclas Dzikus |
Kostas | Eleftheratos | University of Athens | CV Kostas Eleftheratos |
Elisa | Ernle | EASA | CV Elisa Ernle |
Roland | Faludi | European Commission – DG CLIMA | CV Roland Faludi |
Timothy | Fenoulhet | European Commission – Secretariat-General | CV Timothy Fenoulhet |
Jan | Fuglestvedt | Center for International Climate Research (CICERO) | CV Jan Fuglestvedt |
Cecile | Gajate | European Commission – DG MOVE | CV Cecile Gajate |
Volker | Grewe | DLR – Institute of Atmospheric Physics | CV Volker Grewe |
Didier | Hauglustaine | Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL) | CV Didier Hauglustaine |
Leigh | Hudson | International Airlines Group (IAG) | CV Leigh Hudson |
Emanuela | Innocente | EASA | CV Emanuela Innocente |
Nicolas | Jeuland | SAFRAN | CV Nicolas Jeuland |
Zamin A. | Kanji | ETH – Zürich | CV Zamin A. Kanji |
Eleonora | Kist | European Commission – DG JRC | CV Eleonora Kist |
Michail | Kyriakopoulos | European Commission – DG RTD | CV Michail Kyriakopoulos |
Antoine | Latif | Dassault Aviation | CV Antoine Latif |
Joonas | Laukia | EASA | CV Joonas Laukia |
Patrick | Le Clercq | DLR – Institute of Combustion Technology | CV Patrick Le Clercq |
David | Lee | Manchester Metropolitan University | CV David Lee |
Louis | Leestemaker | Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat | CV Louis Leestemaker |
Carlos | López de la Osa García | Transport & Environment | CV Carlos López de la Osa García |
Marianne | Tronstad Lund | CICERO | CV Marianne Tronstad Lund |
Philippe | Mattei | Airbus | CV Philippe Mattei |
Olivier | Meynot | Direction Générale de l'Aviation Civile – France | CV Olivier Meynot |
Jayant | Mukhopadhaya | The International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) | CV Jayant Mukhopadhaya |
Andrei | Mungiu | European Commission – DG MOVE | CV Andrei Mungiu |
Dimitar | Nikov | European Commission – DG CLIMA | CV Dimitar Nikov |
Bethan | Owen | Manchester Metropolitan University | CV Bethan Owen |
Stefan Andreas | Petrikat | NATS | CV Stefan Andreas Petrikat |
Andreas | Petzold | In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System (IAGOS) – Jülich Research Centre | CV Andreas Petzold |
Matthieu | Plu | Météo-France | CV Matthieu Plu |
Ulrika | Raab | Swedish Transport Agency | CV Ulrika Raab |
Abinash | Ramasary | Concawe | CV Abinash Ramasary |
Bastian | Rauch | EASA | CV Bastian Rauch |
Simone | Rauer | Airbus | CV Simone Rauer |
Theo | Rindlisbacher | FOCA – Federal Office of Civil Aviation | CV Theo Rindlisbacher |
Tanel | Rautits | Borealis | CV Tanel Rautits |
Gerd | Saueressig | Lufthansa | CV Gerd Saueressig |
Marc | E. J. Stettler | Imperial College London | CV Marc E. J. Stettler |
Ricardo | Suarez-Bertoa | European Commission – DG JRC | CV Ricardo Suarez-Bertoa |
Etienne | Terrenoire | ONERA | CV Etienne Terrenoire |
Christiane | Voigt | DLR – Institute of Atmospheric Physics | CV Christiane Voigt |
Victoria | Volossov | European Commission – DG CLIMA | CV Victoria Volossov |
Dieter | Walter | Concawe | CV Dieter Walter |
Research Project details
This project is funded from the European Union's Horizon Europe
research and innovation programme.
Project manager: Emanuela Innocente, emanuela.innocente [at] (emanuela[dot]innocente[at]easa[dot]europa[dot]eu)
Technical lead: Stephen Arrowsmith, stephen.arrowsmith [at] (stephen[dot]arrowsmith[at]easa[dot]europa[dot]eu)