Where can I find more information about Pilot Training Organisations and Aero-Medical Centres Organisations Approvals (Part-ORA ATO)?
The application forms for Part-ORA ATO are available here.
A Guideline for Applicants can be downloaded here.
An Easy Access Rules document for Part-FCL, Part-ARA, Part-ORA is available here.
We are a UK company holding a Approved Training Organisation (ATO) approval issued by the UK-CAA. In preparation for the UK leaving the EU and consequently the EASA system, can we already apply for an EASA approval to be valid as of the date when the UK will leave the EU?
We are a UK company holding an Aero-Medical Centres (AeMC)approval issued by the UK-CAA. In preparation for the UK leaving the EU and consequently the EASA system, can we already apply for an EASA approval to be valid as of the date when the UK will leave the EU?