The European Operators Flight Data Monitoring forum (EOFDM) is a voluntary partnership between European Aeroplane Operators and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) in order:
- to facilitate the implementation of Flight Data Monitoring (FDM) programmes by operators,
- to help operators in drawing the maximum safety benefits from an FDM programme
For more information please consult the EOFDM webpage.
This fourth edition of the EOFDM Conference will contain technical presentations on the practical implementation of Flight Data Monitoring (FDM) programmes, advanced FDM techniques and lessons-learnt from accidents.
This conference is primarily dedicated for professionals involved with FDM. Presentations require at least basic knowledge of FDM to be followed.
Date and times
5 April 2016
Starting at 09h00 (German time)
Ending at 17h15
Registration and registration fees
Registration closed - Fully booked
Due to the limited capacity of seats, only two delegates of each organisation will be accepted (additional delegates can be put on a waiting list on request).
You are kindly invited to make individual accommodation bookings directly with the Marriott Hotel.
The hotel offers a special rate for participants to this meeting: a block of 50 standard rooms has been blocked for the night from 04 to 05 April 2016 at a rate of 139 Euros. The room reservation can be made with this preferential rate at the phone number +49 221 942220 or by fax + 49 221-94222777 or by this webpage. In order to benefit this preferential rate, the keyword “EASA” must be mentioned during the reservation and the reservation must be made by 22nd of February 2016 (deadline).
Alternatively, participants to the conference can use the booking platform ehotel : type “EASA” in the field “Reiseziel” (means destination) and then select “Europäische Agentur für Flugsicherheit (EASA), Köln, Deutschland” to get preferential rates.
Event Materials
Documents after event
Get notified via email alerts
For information, the email to be used is: fdm-conference [at] easa.europa.eu