This study characterised the toxic effects of aviation turbine engine oil as a mixture of compounds, including potential pyrolysis breakdown products. This included the chemical characterisation of oil and heated oil vapours (two brands of oil were selected; both new and used oil samples were analysed), chemical characterisation of oils after pyrolysis, characterisation of the toxic effects of oils after pyrolysis, and analysis of the human sensitivity variability factor.
The oils analysed contain TCP, however no tri-ortho cresyl phosphate isomers could be detected. Based on the study on toxic effects of the oils after pyrolysis, it is concluded that neuroactive pyrolysis products are present, but that their concentration in the presence of an intact lung barrier is that low that it could not be appointed as a major concern for neuronal function.
Finally, the analysis of the human sensitivity variability factor showed that the complete metabolic pathway and the contribution of inter individual variability in the metabolic enzymes is still largely unknown for the majority of industrial chemicals, including cabin air contaminants.