My cabin crew qualification document was issued in a country that is not a member of the European Union and is not an EASA Member State either. Is my cabin crew qualification document recognised in the European Union?
My cabin crew qualification document was issued in a country that is not a member of the European Union and is not an EASA Member State either. Is my cabin crew qualification document recognised in the European Union?
Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 New Basic Regulation.
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 Aircrew.
Regulation (EU) No 290/2012 amended by Regulation (EU) No 2015/445 and Regulation (EU) No 245/2014.
All the referenced regulations are available on EASA website.
No, the document is not recognised in the European Union. EU cabin crew member must hold a Cabin Crew Attestation compliant with the rules established by the Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011, as amended by Regulation (EU) No 290/2012, Regulation (EU) No 2015/445 and Regulation (EU) No 245/2014:
Last updated