- Overview
- Opinions
- Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM)
- Certification Specifications (CSs) / Detailed Specifications (DSs)
- Rulemaking Procedures
The Official Publication of the European Union Aviation Safety Agency offers direct access to the authenticated versions of:
- The Agency’s Opinions addressed to the European Commission;
- Certification Specifications (CSs), Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMCs) and Guidance Material (GM) issued by the Agency, and;
- The procedure as established by the Agency’s Management Board for issuing Opinions, CSs, AMCs and GM.
For the time being, the Official Publication of the European Union Aviation Safety Agency is limited to the above mentioned documents. Additional documents that the Management Board or the Executive Director have decided to publish in the Official Publication of the Agency will temporarily continue to be published on the Agency’s website. In the meantime, the Agency will consider how to publish these documents in the future.