14:00-18:10 (CEST)
This workshop has been prepared by the EASA Advisory Bodies representing European industry and Member States. Since summer 2021, suitable topics for a workshop have been identified. To prepare yourself for the webinar, please preview the webinar material. It includes a detailed agenda as well as a list of 18 topics that have been assessed in detail. A group of industry and Member States representatives has identified the first 6 topics for this workshop.
Objective: After almost 10 years, it is time to evaluate the EU’s regulatory framework for aerodrome safety, i.e. Regulation 139/2014. The objective of the workshop is to listen to our stakeholders, exchange good practices and develop together workable solutions. We also want to prepare the upcoming evaluation of the Aerodromes Regulation, as foreseen in EPAS under task number EVT.0012. Our ultimate aim is to ensure that the EU’s regulatory framework for Aerodromes safety ensures a high level of safety, provides an added-value to industry and Member States, while remaining suitable for future challenges and proportionate.
14:00: Welcome and introduction
14:05: 10 years after the EU's ADR regulation
14:20: Block 1: rule change issues
15:30: Coffee break
16:00: Block 2: implementation support issues
17:00: Block 3: exchange of good practices
18:00: Conclusions and Next Steps
18:10: end of workshop
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