FAQ n.137679

The XML files of Easy Access Rules (EAR) are very large and not easy to open and navigate. Have you considered exporting smaller units/files?


Many different tools are available to manually work on the (large) XML files, ranging from simple text editors to professional XML Editor. However, the EAR XML files are intended to be used as input to an automated transformation process executed by a toolchain.  This process should transform the input file into the format required by your application. This transformation could be used to split the large file into smaller units, for example one file containing the structure and the metadata (the elements inside the “er” namespace) and then one file per topic.

It is also possible to manually reduce the size of files, by deleting the unwanted parts of the XML content, for example removing the pkg:part elements containing the base64-encoded images.  This can be easily done using a simple XSLT program.

Last updated

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