FAQ n.136278

I’m interested in extracting the data structure inside a topic, because my application is used for checking compliance with criteria that are listed (e.g. as bulleted items) inside topics. How can I do this?


The current version of eRules XML specification regards a topic (a rule paragraph) as the lowest level of content that can be identified and extracted from the rule.  
This means that the structure of the text inside a topic is not guaranteed to be unambiguously identified by automated processing.

In practice, however, a processing party can use the formatting (e.g. styling) information available as part of OOXML tagging to extract the necessary data.  However, cautious needs to be exercised before using the data as part of a completely automated process. This is because the styling information associated with parts of text is not guaranteed to remain the same between different versions of rules. 

Last updated

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