This Comment-Response Document (CRD) contains the comments received on NPA 2015-08 and the responses, or a summary thereof, provided thereto by the Agency.
Based on the comments and responses, Opinion No 05/2016 was developed.
For information, the Agency publishes the draft acceptable means of compliance (AMC)/guidance material (GM) attached to this CRD. These AMC/GM will be further developed by the Agency in consultation with the Task Force for the review of Part-M for General Aviation (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Part-M GA Task Force’) before issuing a final decision, to which the final AMC/GM will be annexed. This decision will be issued once the comitology process for the adoption of the implementing rules (IRs) proposed in the related Opinion No 05/2016 is finalised and the final IRs are adopted by the European Commission.