How to apply
The preferred way to receive this request is by email to [at] (applicant[dot]services[at]easa[dot]europa[dot]eu).
Please support the paperless management of requests by submitting documents to EASA electronically only.
Additional documents
If this is your first request to EASA and you do not have an EASA customer account, you will need to provide us with a copy of articles of incorporation of the entity or business registration stating the company name, business registration number and legal seat of the company.
Specific technical documents shall be provided directly to the person responsible for investigating your request. The individual contact details will be communicated to you upon EASA acceptance of your request.
Large files, in particular, can be uploaded using the EASA file box.
Next steps
![Next steps - Request for Registration + Declaration of a Major Change or Repair](/sites/default/files/inline-images/FO.CERT_.00157-Next-Steps-Request-Registration-Declaration-Major-Change-Repair.png)
Please also see the related Information Sheet on the Request Acceptance Process for a more detailed view.
Good to know
Fees and Charges: In accordance with Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2153, the Agency levies fees and charges for all its certification and approval activities. Requests for Registration + Declaration of Design Capability and surveillance activities for the declared organisation are charged by the hour as per Part II of the regulation.
Applicant Services
You will find further information in the request form completion instructions, which are embedded in the request form, and in our FAQs.
Should you have any further question or suggestion, please contact the Applicant Relations Section: Applicant.Services [at] (Applicant[dot]Services[at]easa[dot]europa[dot]eu)
For questions that are specifically related to the Fees & Charges and your invoice, please consult our FAQs.