CS-MMEL — Issue 2
CS-GEN-MMEL — Issue 2
The specific objective of this Decision is to introduce amendments to the Certification Specifications for Master Minimum Equipment List (CS-MMEL) and for the Generic Master Minimum Equipment List (CS-GEN-MMEL) following the selection of non-complex, non-controversial and mature subjects.
In particular, this Decision introduces amendments to the following items:
— Item 1: A generic safety methodology for the development of MMEL candidate items,
— Item 2: Quantitative assessment criteria for aircraft certified against requirements other than CS 25/29.1309,
— Item 3: Engine time-limited dispatch (TLD) update,
— Item 4: Updated guidance for items involved in non-normal and emergency procedures,
— Item 5: Clarification of the applicable MMEL operational suitability certification basis,
— Item 6: Additional and updated definitions,
— Item 7: Updated and new items in the MMEL ITEMS GUIDANCE BOOK (CS-MMEL),
— Item 8: Editorial corrections to CS-MMEL, and
— Item 9: Update of CS-GEN-MMEL and CS-MMEL applicability.
The amendments will contribute to updating CS-MMEL and CS-GEN-MMEL to reflect the state of the art of MMEL certification.