As a UK certified commercial air transport (CAT) operator what are the conditions I need to fulfil to be able to operate to/from/within EASA Member States after December 31, 2020?
As of January 1, 2021 the UK certified CAT operators will be considered as Third Country Operators (TCO) and required to hold a valid EASA TCO authorisation in order to be able to conduct commercial air transport operations into, within or out of the territory to which the EU Treaties apply (or to territories of non-EU EASA Member States). TCO authorisations will be issued also under the EASA early applications process.
Where can I see which operators will be issued an EASA TCO Authorisation on December 31, 2020?
A list of operators that will be issued a TCO Authorisation on December 31, 2020 is available on the EASA website.
Where can I see which aircraft are included in my TCO authorisation?
The dedicated TCO web-interface provides information on all aircraft that are included under an EASA issued TCO authorisation. That information is available to the TCO concerned and to all EASA Member States. EASA also provides to EUROCONTROL real time information on aircraft that are authorised to operate to/from/within the EASA Member States under an EASA TCO authorisation.
Does EASA issue operating permits to CAT operators?
EASA Member States issue operating permits for commercial air transport operations in accordance with their national regulations. The TCO authorisation issued by EASA is a pre-requisite to apply for such operating permits.