The overall objective of AVATAR is to create a Digital Twin (DT) by continuously monitoring the operation of transformative air vehicles (TAV) through an innovative smart IoT sensing skin, informed by accurate physical models and advanced analytics, resulting in reduced direct operative costs, extended service life and safer skies to be:
- Sustainable: AVATAR’s digital twin platform which acts in parallel to the real structure and s will mirrors the service life of the air vehicle based on real data gathered form a novel IoT sensing skin, to optimise maintenance and operation, increase safety and extend service life.
- Effective: AVATAR’s real-time data and forward-looking analysis will realize effective load monitoring and fault diagnosis. Furthermore, by integrating IoT, big data and machine learning (ML), the structures future state will be predicted, and its operation optimised.
- Secure: AVATAR will contribute to significantly prolonging the service life of safe life components due to its advanced diagnostics resulting in much less uncertainty than currently feasible and hence extending the safe life of the structure at no additional cost.
Research Project details
Project Leader
11/2023 to 01/2026
Contact at EASA: research [at] (research[at]easa[dot]europa[dot]eu)
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