Joint EASA-FAA Additive Manufacturing Workshop 2023
On-site event
Day 1: 19/09/2023, 09:00 - 17:30 CET (UTC +1)
Day 2: 20/09/2023, 09:00 - 17:30 CET (UTC +1)
Day 3: 21/09/2023, 09:00 - 17:30 CET (UTC +1)
EASA and FAA are co-organizing the 6th joint EASA-FAA Additive Manufacturing Workshop to be held at EASA in Koeln (Cologne), September 19-21st 2023.
As industry, government agencies, and academia transitions back to ‘Face to Face’ (F2F) meetings following the COVID restrictions, and also noting the increasing attendance at this Event in the virtual format during this period (about 450 at the 2022 Event), EASA and FAA wish to return to the F2F format to realize the benefits gained from such meetings in the past, within the bounds of available conference room capacity. Therefore, the 2023 Event will be formatted as a F2F workshop by ‘invitation only’, with priority given to those directly contributing to the Event agenda through including Working Group (WG) Breakout Sessions (see below) and presentations.
In response to industry interest and rapid expansion in the use of Additive Manufacturing (AM) methods in aviation products, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) started offering workshops on Q&C of AM in 2015, focused on qualification and certification (Q&C) of AM parts in order to promote the technical dialog and knowledge sharing between the key stakeholder groups, including government agencies, industry, public standards organizations and academia. The FAA started offering workshops on Q&C of AM as well in about the same timeframe. The first three FAA workshops were produced in partnership with the United States Air Force (USAF) and the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL). As a part of this process and in response to industry requests, EASA and FAA have been increasingly working together, resulting in collaboration and alternate hosting of an annual joint aviation AM event by EASA and FAA, with the past events having been hosted by EASA in Koeln in 2019 and virtually in 2021, and by FAA in Wichita in 2018 and virtually in 2020 and 2022. The presentations and outputs from these events are available in the public domain (see References section for the link to the 2021 and 2022 workshop’s proceedings).
The 2023 event will continue building on the outcomes of the recent successful workshops, while striving to offer new coverage and technical insights based on the most recent developments in the area of Q&C for AM from an industry-regulator perspective.
Event Co-Organizers:
Dr. Simon Waite, Senior Expert for Materials, EASA (co-organizer and host, supported by Phillip Brooke, Katharina Ebel)
Dr. Michael Gorelik, FAA Chief Scientific and Technical Advisor (CSTA) for Fatigue and Damage Tolerance (co-organizer)
Event Materials
Documents before event
Documents after event
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phillip.brooke [at] easa.europa.eu