Since OCTOBER 2016 the application procedures for FSTDs has been simplified. The main changes are:
- You no longer need to apply for a recurrent evaluation of a device. We will automatically re-evaluate the device unless you deactivate or surrender it. You must submit your application for deactivation or surrender at least 5 months before the due date for the next recurrent evaluation. Please consult this link to identify the due date for your recurrent evaluation.
- You no longer need to apply for a recurrent audit of the Compliance Monitoring System (CMS). We will automatically audit the location unless you surrender all devices at that location. You must still apply separately for the initial audit of each new location.
- Our forms are now more specific:
- We have published the expected number of working hours per activity (please see table below) so that you no longer need to request a financial estimate. This shortens the processing time of your application.
General information
Who | Organisations operating or seeking to operate a flight simulation training device (FSTD). In the case of BITD’s (Basic Instrument Training Device), manufacturers seeking the initial qualification of an FSTD under EU regulation. |
What | You need to apply for:
In the case of a technical modification to a qualified device you must first submit a Modification Information Sheet. EASA will then inform you if you need to submit a full change application. |
Where | Please submit your application to [at] |
When |
Why | To obtain an EASA FTSD qualification certificate. |
How | Please complete application forms in English:
Please note that the qualification of a device will only be valid once the location that host the device has successfully undergone a CMS audit. |
Recurrent evaluations |
The CMS audit of the location will take place before the due date for CMS. |
Qualification Certificates Surrender |
In case you want to reactivate a surrendered FSTD it will have to go through an initial evaluation according to the current criteria. |
Deactivation |
Multiple evaluations | EASA always aims to combine activities (evaluations, audits) wherever possible in order to lower the travel costs you have to pay. |
Cost |
Table with estimates of the working hours: