EASA is taking part in the Asia Pacific Airline Training Summit (APATS) in Singapore on 3-4 September. Come and join the EASA colleagues on the stand and have your flight crew training and medical questions answered by our experts!
The information below gives a round-up of latest developments regarding flight crew licensing in the EASA Member States.
Introducing Competency-Based Training and Assessment (CBTA)
The shift to competency-based training - In close collaboration with industry, EASA launched its core competencies training concept in February 2018 with its knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSA) 100 for theoretical knowledge training. Approved training organisations will be required to assess the competency of student pilots in applying learned theory through practical exercises. At this stage, halfway through the transition period for this application, which ends on 31 January 2022, EASA is supporting Approved Training Organisations (ATOs) and Competent Aviation Authorities (CAAs) as they implement this new concept in theoretical knowledge training.
ICAO CBTA Task Force - Together with ICAO, IATA and other leading industry groups, EASA joined the ICAO CBTA Task Force to further promote the CBTA method for pilot training. EASA envisages the introduction of core competencies into European Union pilot training for MPL and CPL. MPL, integrated ATP courses and type rating training will no longer have minimum training hours.
Multi-crew coordination - EASA introduced airline pilot standard multi-crew coordination (APS MCC) in December 2017. This is an alternative to the conventional MCC course and provides a stronger bridge between the award of initial licences and familiarisation with airline operations. The course evaluates and assesses the student pilots’ ability using the core competencies.
Evidence-based training - Evidence-based training (EBT) is being developed for competency-based training and assessment of flight crew during airline recurrent training. NPA including changes will be published in October 2019.
Better Use of Training Tools
Tools and devices - In parallel, EASA has established a task force to develop flexibility in the use of training devices to enhance the use of all available training tools, to adapt to individual training needs, and to determine the most appropriate devices for achieving the training objectives.
Digitalisation of European Flight Crew Licences
Digital Licences - EASA, in cooperation with the national aviation authorities of Italy, Finland, Ireland, Austria, Spain and Switzerland, is running a new project for the digitalisation of all paper European flight crew licences (also known as dLAP: digital licences for aviation pilots). The Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), EASA and the European Union aviation authorities met at the EASA headquarters on April 19, 2018 to exchange their experience and views on this topic. The proof of concept was successfully finalised in June 2019.
Upset and Prevention Recovery Training
UPRT - EASA is supporting the implementation of the UPRT requirements introduced by Regulation (EU) 2018/1974 (amending Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011) through briefing sessions, information session and WebEx in a selection of CAAs.
Ongoing EASA Task Forces
Instructor Task Force - This task force looks at all the factors that affect the adequate supply of competent instructors into the European Training System. This newly started team is not just regulatory, but is also looking at promoting best practices for sponsoring and retaining instructors.
English Language Proficiency - This Task Force is considering ways to standardise the approach to the assessment of language proficiency by sharing and promoting best practice. In addition, this initiative is looking at promoting the early use of English in the delivery of training for future airline pilots. The earlier a professional pilot starts using English every day, the better the safety standards will be and the more employable they will be within the international aviation system.
Examiner Task Force - The goal of this task force is to help standardise the assessment competencies of examiners. A guidance manual is currently under development to help examiners with skill and proficiency tests. The group is also looking at the simplification of examination procedures and associated administrative activities such as forms etc.