Is EGNOS the only SBAS to be considered for the implementation of RNP APCH procedures down to LPV minima?
The PBN IR requires implementation of approach procedures to LPV minima on condition that they are within an appropriate SBAS coverage provided by a certified service provider.
European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS) is mentioned as a possibility, as the SBAS coverage may be available through other augmentation systems due to geographical considerations. In this regard, Recital (5) states the following: “the use of satellite-based augmentation systems (SBAS), in particular in the form of the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS), should be promoted”.
Since the PBN IR requirements are generic, they do not limit the deployment to areas where EGNOS coverage exists.
The guidance material published by EASA (Annex II to ED Decision 2018/013/R) refers to EGNOS, as the navigation service provider has been certified by EASA and the service covers most of the locations where the PBN IR applies.