As a UK-based production organisation holding a UK CAA POA, can I release parts or appliances with an EASA Form- 1 on or after January 01, 2021?
As a UK-based production organisation holding a UK CAA POA, can I release parts or appliances with an EASA Form- 1 on or after January 01, 2021?
Since January 01, 2021, the Union law ceased to apply in the UK. As per the Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the UK and the EU , in particular Section E of Annex 30, the EU recognises the POAs issued by the UK CAA. Hence UK-based organisations holding a UK CAA POA do not need to, nor are allowed to release parts or appliances with an EASA Form 1 since that date. Any potential EASA Form 1 issued by a UK CAA POA holder on or after January 01, 2021 would have no legal value (“null and void”) as an authorized release certificate.
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