As of January 1, 2021, under which conditions may a commercial air transport operator certified by an EASA Member State dry lease-in (aircraft without crew) an UK registered aircraft?
As of January 1, 2021, under which conditions may a commercial air transport operator certified by an EASA Member State dry lease-in (aircraft without crew) an UK registered aircraft?
As of January 1, 2021 UK registered aircraft will be considered by the EU as aircraft registered in a third country and any CAT operator certified by an EASA Member State wishing to operate such aircraft under its AOC will need to comply with the provisions of EU law concerning dry lease-in of 3rd country registered aircraft. This includes obligation for the EU operator to obtain a prior approval from its competent authority upon demonstration of compliance with safety requirements and of an operational need that cannot be satisfied by leasing aircraft registered in the EASA Member States. The duration of such dry lease-in cannot exceed 7 months in any 12 consecutive month period.
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