FPI (the European Commission’s Service for Foreign Policy Instruments) has tasked EASA through a new Contribution Agreement to set-up aviation partnership projects to strengthen cooperation with North Asia partner countries. The overall programme budget is €7,000,000.
China has one of the fastest growing aviation sectors in the world. It is also a major economic partner for the EU.
This project allows to continue and intensify cooperation with China as previously implemented through the first EU-China Aviation Partnership Project (APP). It has a duration of 3 years, started in April 2021 and will end in 2024. Managed by EASA, the project will work with European industry, EU level organisations and EU National Aviation Authorities all contributing with European aviation expertise to the cooperation, while at the same time keeping abreast of and exchange on latest aviation trends and technologies.
Cooperation will increase focus on certain topics within the domains covered during the first EU-China APP, and explore new possible areas of exchange, all with the main objectives of:
- Strengthening institutional relations, deepen dialogue and cooperation between aviation authorities, encourage regional cooperation and support implementation of aviation agreements;
- Increasing mutual awareness of aviation safety best practices, promote EU standards, raise environmental protection efforts and encourage climate action; and
- Facilitating access for EU industry to one of the biggest growth markets.
Technical Cooperation Project Details
Project Manager: frederic.chambon [at]
Operational Manager: jacinto-alberto.lopez-navalon [at] (jacinto-alberto[dot]lopez-navalon[at]easa[dot]europa[dot]eu)
Project Assistant: sorana-monica.ciovica [at]