
The fourth European Aviation Environmental Report has been prepared by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) with support from the European Environment Agency (EEA) and EUROCONTROL. Its development was coordinated by a Steering Group1 made up of representatives from the following organisations:


European Aviation Environmental Report website

For further information linked to the environmental performance of the aviation sector and more extensive information on Stakeholder Actions, we invite you to visit the EASA website ( This contains the previous European Aviation Environmental Reports, and the latest updated news and information. Questions associated with this report should be sent to EASA (

The Steering Group gratefully acknowledges once again the support of the Advisory Group2, whose representatives provided valuable input and comments on the report. Some of the latest information on actions being undertaken by the aviation sector are provided within the ‘Stakeholder Action’ boxes. The collaboration with this diverse set of organisations ensures that the report provides a balanced perspective and conveys what the sector is doing to turn sustainability goals into action.


1 Stefan Bickert (BMVI); Jean-Francois Brouckaert, Sebastien Dubois (CAJU); Iris Dupont de Dinechin, Nora Susbielle, Olivier Meynot (DGAC France); Roland Faludi, Dimitar Nikov, Laura Lonza (DG CLIMA); Panagiota Dilara, Marco Paviotti (DG ENV); Jana Rejtharova (DG JRC); Andrei Mungiu, Thomas Rousing-Schmidt, Cecile Gajate, Lendina Smaja, Alexis Chausteur, Frederik Rasmussen (DG MOVE), Michail Kyriakopoulos (DG RTD); Steve Arrowsmith, Ivan de Lepinay, Andreas Busa, Joonas Laukia, Mara Dame, Santiago Haya Leiva, Achilleas Achilleos, Anatolij Oniscenko, Bastian Rauch, Daniel Brousse-Rivas, Emanuela Innocente, Guillaume Aigoin, Guillaume Malaval, Illimar Bilas, John Franklin, Lisa Ernle, Victoria Esteban, Jozef De Moor, Julia Egerer, Ken Engelstad, Mario Mitschke, Martin Schaefer, Martina Di Palma, Vera Tavares, Werner Hoermann, Wim Eeckhout, Thomas Bock (EASA); Beatrice Adolehoume, Mark Rodmell (ECAC); Ian Marnane, Suzanne Dael, Tommaso Selleri (EEA); Frederic Riehl, Stefano Mancini, Claire Leleu, David Brain, Gerard Boydell, Robin Deransy, Laurent Box, Laurent Cavadini, Marylin Bastin, Nicolas De Brabanter, Pascal Hop, Rachel Burbidge (EUROCONTROL); Alice Suri, Urs Ziegler (FOCA); Joe Sultana (SES PRB); Ralph Schwarzendahl (SESAR DM) and Olivia Nunez, Stella Saldana (SESAR JU).
2 Alexandre de Joybert (ACI Europe); Donal Handley (AerCap); Kevin Goddard, Olivier Husse (Airbus); Artur Sousa (ANAC); Sergi Alegre Calero (ARC); Belarmino Paradela (ASD); Reynir Sigurdsson, Tanel Rautits (BOREALIS); Johnny Pring (CANSO Europe); Jan Fuglestvedt (CICERO); Alice Liberman, Laura Le Bihan (Dassault); Ulrike Burkhardt, Marc Gelhausen (DLR); Alberto Anglade (ENAC); Delphine Grandsart (EPF); Dave Tompkins (European Express Association); Laurent Donceel (A4E); Irene Boyer-Souchet (Air France); Antoine Toulemont (ERA); Alice Suri (FOCA); Marina Garcia Aedo (IAG); Lisanne van Wijngaarden (KLM); Adrienn Keszei, Sara Sandor (Wizz Air); Jayant Mukhopadhaya (ICCT); Tim Johnson (AEF); Gilles Dufrasne (Carbon Market Watch); John Stewart (HACAN); Jo Dardenne (T&E); Maryna Hritsyshyna (Ineratec); Dario Formenti, Norbert Schmitz (ISCC); David Lee, Bethan Owen (MMU); Patrizia Reisinger (Neste); Carlos Diazg (Repsol); Jen Houghton (Rolls-Royce); Blanca de Ulibarri (RSB); Giovanni Zucchetta (Ryanair); Eugene Kors, Valerie Guenon (SAFRAN); Inmaculada Gómez Jiménez, Raúl Martín Fontana (SENASA); Tom Berg (SkyNRG); Ivan Iatsenko (Ukraine DfT) and Matteo Prussi (University of Torino).