Suspected Unapproved Parts Details
On March 09, 2021 the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has published a SAFO (Safety Alert for Operators) 21002.
This SAFO alerts aircraft owners, operators, air agencies, and maintenance technicians of fraudulent or intentionally false entries in airworthiness records of parts that may be used on type certificated products by Big Wings Interiors, Inc. Commonly known as “Big Wings,” this non-certificated interior shop performed work on parts to be installed in aircraft interiors for operators certificated to operate under Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 135 and for persons operating aircraft under part 91. Big Wings used a fraudulent or intentionally false reproduction and/or alteration of a record of airworthiness for Certificate of Flammability Testing in its approval for return to service of cabin seats after reconditioning.
Please refer to SAFO 21002