2008- S20071128005 701509-001

Suspected Unapproved Parts Details

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Previously name EASA 2008-17.
Information received during a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) suspected unapproved parts investigation revealed between June 2007 and November 2007 Genuine Repairs Aerospace, Inc., located at 6993 N.W. 82 Avenue, Bay 30, Miami, FL 33166, improperly maintained and approved for return to service engine rotating groups and components contrary to the regulations. Genuine Repairs Aerospace, Inc., formerly held Air Agency Certificate No. U16R185Y with limited powerplant rating.
Evidence indicates Genuine Repairs Aerospace, Inc., approved engine rotating groups and components for return to service that were not maintained in compliance with the manufacturer’s maintenance manuals or other data or methods acceptable to the FAA and performed nondestructive testing of parts using equipment that was not calibrated, was improperly calibrated, or was overdue calibration.

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