2007-00139 2-1147-3

Suspected Unapproved Parts Details

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Previously name EASA 2008-22.
Information received during a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) suspected unapproved parts investigation revealed that between March 2006 and March 2007 Aerospace Precision, Inc. (P17R), located at 2851 Evans Street, Hollywood, FL 33020, improperly maintained and approved for return to service various aircraft accessories and wheel and brake assemblies contrary to the regulations.
Aerospace Precision, Inc., holds FAA Air Agency Certificate No. P17R189O, with limited accessory rating.
Evidence indicates Aerospace Precision, Inc., approved wheel and brake assemblies and accessories for return to service that were not maintained in compliance with the manufacturer’s maintenance manuals or other data acceptable to the FAA. Discrepancies noted in Aerospace Precision Inc.’s practices included, but are not limited to, the following:
• Approving for return to service wheel and brake assemblies and accessories that had not been inspected and tested in accordance with current nondestructive testing (NDT) manual.
• Using an NDT technician who was previously trained at another repair station, but not properly certificated to perform NDT inspections at Aerospace Precision, Inc.
• Failing to maintain recordkeeping requirements.
• Failure to use equipment, tools, and material that are recommended by the manufacturer and acceptable to the FAA.
• Approving for return to service articles that had not been maintained in accordance with the current manufacturer’s maintenance manuals or methods otherwise acceptable to the administrator.

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