ToR RMT.0743

Regular update of the AMC & GM associated with the ATM/ANS equipment conformity assessment framework

Following the adoption of the conformity assessment framework of certain ATM/ANS systems and constituents (ATM/ANS equipment) as well as of the approval of organisations involved in their design or production through Regulations (EU) 2023/1768, 2023/1769 and 2023/1771, EASA published the initial set of the associated Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) & Guidance Material (GM) with ED Decision 2023/016/R, ED Decision 2024/001/R and ED Decision 2024/002/R. EASA is also monitoring the implementation of this framework collecting issues raised by stakeholders.

While it is anticipated that the legal requirements will remain stable, the AMC & GM are expected to require regular adjustments driven by the experience gained during the initial implementation and application of the regulatory framework when issuing design or production organisation (DPO) approvals and during the initial certification of ATM/ANS equipment. New detailed AMC and GM may also be developed, driven by the need to introduce new means of compliance, more detailed procedures or additional interpretative material based on stakeholder input and experience gained by the Agency. If, because of this identified need to develop new material, the topic deserves special attention because of its nature or controversy, a new dedicated RMT could be launched.

In this context, the objective of this rulemaking task is to regularly update the associated AMC & GM to ensure the efficiency and proportionality of the conformity assessment framework of ATM/ANS equipment, as well as its harmonised implementation.

In simpler terms, the objective is to ensure that the AMC & GM remain fit for purpose.