- Ensuring Artificial Intelligence (AI) trustworthiness for its safe use in aviation in response to the EU AI Act Chapter III Section.
- Enable the deployment of AI in the specific aviation domains identified in the EU AI Act Article 108.
- Enable the deployment of AI in other affected aviation domains (e.g., but not limited to, aerodromes).
The activities in the context of this RMT will be based on EASA Concept Paper ‘Guidance for Level 1&2 machine learning applications’ Issue 02. The objectives are intended to be achieved through the following subtasks:
- Subtask 1: Proposal for an AI trustworthiness aviation regulatory framework in response to the EU AI Act Chapter III Section 2
- Subtask 2: Development of the associated set of generic AI-related acceptable means of compliance (AMC) and guidance material (GM)
- Subtask 3: Development of the necessary adaptations to domain-specific regulatory material for aviation domains identified in the EU AI Act Article 108
- Subtask 4: Development of the necessary adaptations to domain-specific regulatory material for other affected domains
(e.g., but not limited to, aerodromes)