ToR RMT.0721

RAMP Deregulation

The European Plan for Aviation Safety (2018-2022) foresees a regular update of the air operational rules (RMT.0392) to ensure efficiency and proportionality of the regulatory framework of Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 (‘Air OPS regulation’).

This RMT.0721 proposes to amend only the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Decision applicable to acceptable means of compliance and guidance material (AMC & GM) to Annex II (Part-ARO) of the Air OPS

Regulation. It does not propose any amendment to the respective implementing rules (IRs) of Part-ARO.

This RMT aims to remove most of the AMC & GM pertaining to ramp inspections and to transpose those into a RAMP Inspection Manual, to be published by EASA. When doing so, the individual AMC & GM provisions

will also be reviewed in order to modernise and clarify them, and significantly reduce the level of prescriptive AMC & GM.

This proposal will take into account the following identified implementation issues concerning ramp


  • alignment with newly developed ICAO Standards And Recommended Practices (SARPs)
  • required changes following amendment of the EU regulatory framework
  • required changes following the adoption of the New Basic Regulation
  • feedback from standardisation visits of competent authorities
  • feedback from stakeholders during stakeholder consultations
  • introduction of the system-wide coordination and of the manufacturers’ data projects
  • correction of any editorial issues.