The key objective of the SAVE Study was to update the AERO Modelling System which had been developed between 1994-2000 to primarily assess the effect of market based measures on global aircraft engine emissions. As part of the SAVE project, all model inputs were updated from 1992 and brought in line with the new Base Year of 2006. The EUROCONTROL WISDOM Operations Database is used as a basis for the AERO-MS Unified Database which contains a detailed record of aviation movements. For 2006, the Unified Database records 123,025 airport-pairs with 33.1 million civil flights. Airline cost and fare data were updated using IATA and ICAO data. The update of aircraft type input data was based on fleet inventory properties from the EUROCONTROL PRISME Fleet 2, OAG Fleet Databases, ICAO emissions databank as well as the FESG retirement curves. EUROCONTROL BADA data was used for the specification of aircraft operational characteristics.
The calibration process aimed to have the updated AERO-MS produce the correct outputs for the Base Year in various categories such as air transport demand; airline operating costs; revenues and operating result; airline employment; aviation fuel burn and emissions; and aircraft fleet size and composition. The testing of various policy options were also performed to verify the proper functioning of the updated AERO-MS, and as an illustration of its analysis capabilities.