Consultation expired with comments. The proposed Certification Memorandum (CM) has been updated based on the comments received, and the corresponding Comment-Response Document (CRD) has been completed by EASA.
Identification of issue
The purpose of this Certification Memorandum (CM) is firstly to provide guidance on the use of a structured approach to Development Assurance , such as detailed in ED-79B/ARP 4754B, when developing different kinds of products (see section 3) to be certified[1] by EASA, and secondly to highlight Development Assurance considerations when installing certified products (such as propulsion systems) or (E)TSO articles on a product.
It does not cover:
- aspects that are specific to items (Software and Airborne Electronic Hardware) for which sufficient guidance already exists (please refer to AMC 20-115D and AMC 20-152A),
- the Safety Assessment process. In consideration of ED-79B, Table A1 objectives 3.x and sections associated to it are outside of the scope of this certification memorandum. However, all the activities that address the interfaces between the Safety Assessment process and the other processes addressed in ED-79B are included.
Light UAS SAIL III, systems used for “enhanced containment” principles from SORA 2.0, and CMU (Control and Monitoring Unit) are not included in this version of the CM. They will be included in a later issue.
As a simplification, when used in this document:
- “Development Assurance ” refers to activities at aircraft, system and equipment level only (item level excluded), and performed according to a structured approach such as detailed in ED-79B,
- “system” is used to refer to any level from aircraft to equipment,
- “aircraft requirements” and “product requirements” are used to refer to any appropriate set of requirements from the aircraft or product,
- “applicant” refers to any applicant for product certification or (E)TSO authorisation, unless a specific applicant such as “aircraft applicant” or “propulsion system applicant” is stated.
This CM contains, as an introduction, the reasons for a Development Assurance approach, describes general aspects regarding applicability , and introduces Development Assurance appropriate for different product types, for newly designed products and for changes to products. It lists Means of Compliance (MoC) acceptable by EASA and provides typical examples of when these MoC are applicable.
Finally, this CM provides additional information to be considered when integrating certified products and authorised articles, and clarifies aspects of certification authority coordination and expected applicant oversight.
[1] Throughout the whole document, the word “certification” (or any related word like “to certify” etc) is used. However, in case of products for which a DVR is issued, this should be understood as an assessment of the design related OSO.