The objective of this Notice of Proposed Amendment (NPA) is to support general aviation (GA) in Europe by reducing the administrative burden for the embodiment of simple changes and repairs in certain aircraft when applying the acceptable methods, techniques, and practices defined in CS-STAN, and thus to promote safety. Taking into account the principles of efficiency and proportionality, this NPA proposes to amend CS-STAN in order to:
- introduce new standard changes and update some existing ones; and
- introduce new standard repairs and update some existing ones.
The changes introduced by this NPA are based on lessons learned and proposals submitted by affected stakeholders, as well as technological innovations from the industry, which can bring safety benefits in a cost-efficient manner.
Overall, this is expected to bring a moderate safety benefit, to have no social or environmental impacts, and may provide major economic benefits by reducing the regulatory burden for the embodiment of simple changes and repairs in certain aircraft.