This sub-Notice of Proposed Amendment (sub-NPA) follows a performance-based approach by updating the regulatory requirements for fuel planning, selection of aerodromes and in-flight fuel management.
Safety is the main driver: safety recommendation FRAN-2012-026 (BEA) is directly addressed by this sub-NPA, but there are also other numerous serious incidents that were considered, including the one that occurred in Valencia, Spain in 2012.
The aim of this NPA is to:
- provide a comprehensive and updated set of safety requirements for developing and overseeing operators’ fuel schemes, by addressing the identified gaps with regard to the in-flight fuel management policy;
- enable European operators to take advantage of the latest technologies and the effectiveness of their management system when developing and managing heir fuel schemes; and
- increase operational efficiency, thereby having cost and environmental benefits.
Through this sub-NPA, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) also ensures adherence to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) after the adoption of Amendment 36 and 38 to ICAO Annex 6, Part I, where ICAO recognised the need for amending and updating the fuel and alternate-aerodrome-selection requirements, many of which have remained unchanged since their adoption in the 1950s.
This sub-NPA is part of a set of three sub-NPAs as follows:
- Sub-NPA 2016-06 (A): Aeroplanes — Annex I (Definitions), Part-ARO & Part-CAT
- Sub-NPA 2016-06 (B): Helicopters — Annex I (Definitions), Part-CAT, Part-SPA, Part-NCC, Part-NCO & Part-SPO
- Sub-NPA 2016-06 (C): Aeroplanes/helicopters — Part-NCC, Part-SPO & Part-NCO