Currently, an application for an UAS type-certificate (TC) can only be accepted by the Agency when the applicant has demonstrated, or is in the process of demonstrating, its capability by holding a design organization approval (DOA) issued by the Agency [21.A.14(a)]. No derogation for this eligibility requirement is available in the regulatory framework in force, as the existing derogations [21.A.14(b), (c)] are intended for manned aircraft only.
The available AMC and GM contain guidance for an appropriate demonstration of design capability of the organizations for those cases where the organization designs UAS to be operated in the certified category or in the specific category with specific assurance and integrity level (SAIL) V or VI.
This DOARI aims to cover the introduction of proportionality elements in the acceptable means of compliance with the requirements for obtaining a DOA for UAS TC applicants, provided that the UAS is to be operated exclusively in the specific category with SAIL level equal or lower than IV.