Airworthiness of type design



This Procedure describes how European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) discharges its responsibilities for certification activities of aeronautical products within its remit. It applies to the type certification of EU aeronautical products and to changes/repairs thereto, in accordance with Annex - Part 21 to Commission Regulation (EU) No 748/2012.

The scope of this procedure extends to Type Certificates (TC)/Restricted Type Certificates (RTC), Supplemental Type Certificates (STC), Major Changes, Minor Change Approvals, Major and Minor Repair Approvals and Stand Alone Flight Manual Changes.

The procedure does not explicitly include Validation projects, however, the principles as defined in this procedure should be followed.

In the case of a formal Bilateral Agreement between the European Union and a Third Country in accordance with Article 12 of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008, this agreement, including the associated implementing procedures, may supplement, change or supersede process steps included in this procedure.

EASA panel responsibilities

These tables of EASA panel responsibilities per CS paragraphs is provided as guidance to determine the affected EASA experts panels for the Level of Involvement proposal in the Certification Programme. 
The table can also be used for earlier amendments, as applicable. For differences to e.g. JAR or CS amendments, please contact the allocated Project Certification Manager.

Applicant’s Request for Equivalent Safety Finding and Deviation

To establish an EASA certification basis, EASA provides the means of Certification Specifications (CSs) and Special Conditions (SCs). If an applicant for a product’s type certification, for a change to a type certificate or supplemental type certificate considers such means as not sufficient, an applicant may request an Equivalent Safety Finding (ESF) if the intent of the affected CS is met, or may request a Deviation (DEV) if the affected non-compliance with the CS is mitigated, and compliance with the essential requirements of the Basic Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2018/1139) is demonstrated (see also WI.CERT.00146). To ensure that an applicant provides the necessary information for a requested ESF or DEV, the below linked templates should be used by the applicant.