The objectives of this Decision are to:
- improve rotorcraft safety by ensuring that the chip detection systems that are installed in rotorcraft rotor drive systems achieve an acceptable minimum level of effectiveness in detecting the incipient degradation or failure of components of the rotor drive system; and
- improve rotorcraft occupant safety in the event of a bird strike.
This Decision amends:
- the Certification Specifications, Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material for Small Rotorcraft (CS-27) and the Certification Specifications, Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material for Large Rotorcraft (CS-29) to introduce:
- certification specifications (CSs) for the effectiveness demonstration of chip detection systems; and
- related acceptable means of compliance (AMC) and guidance material (GM);
- CS-27 to introduce:
- a design CS (CS 27.631 ‘Bird strike’) to ensure safe landing after a bird strike on the windshield of rotorcraft with six or more passenger seats; and
- the related AMC to support the application of that CS; and
- CS-29 to:
- improve the wording of CS 29.631 ‘Bird strike’; and
- introduce related AMC to support the application of that CS.
The amendments are expected to:
- increase the safety of rotorcraft rotor drive systems by improving their designs; and
- increase the safety of newly designed small-rotorcraft (CS-27) operations.
The amendments will have no significant economic impact, and no environmental or social impacts.
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Amending decision(s)
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