CS-ADR-DSN — Issue 5 | Runway safety
The objective of this Decision is to update the certification specifications (CSs) and guidance material (GM) for aerodrome design (CS-ADR-DSN) in line with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) developments and other technical improvements, and to maintain a high and uniform level of safety in terms of aerodrome design.
The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) publishes Issue 5 of CS-ADR-DSN as a result of the outcome of the public consultation of NPA 2018-14 ‘Runway Safety’ which, amongst others, proposed a limited number of amendments to CS-ADR-DSN which were published, for information purposes, along with Opinion No 03/2019.
The amendments concern the addition of new definitions, in accordance with the Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) of ICAO Annex 14 ‘Aerodromes’ Volume I (Amendment 13-B), but also the amendment of definitions in order to ensure consistency with Commission Regulation (EU) No 139/2014, as amended by Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/401.
Moreover, they reflect the introduction of new provisions in Commission Regulation (EU) Νο 139/2014, as well as amendments to the relevant acceptable means of compliance (AMC) and GM, which necessitate the amendment of the relevant CSs and GM in CS-ADR-DSN for safety reasons (e.g. treatment of markings on closed runways and taxiways, presence of mobile objects on precision runway strips).
In addition, the amendments introduce an additional case where, for runway-safety-related reasons, stopway lights should be provided, addressing also the switch-over time for the secondary power supply of such lights. Finally, they reflect the need to gather all maintenance-related operational provisions in a single regulatory text, in order to facilitate their use by the end users.
Therefore, the limited number of changes will help to ensure further alignment with the ICAO Annex 14 provisions, enhance safety where necessary, and improve readability and usability of the regulatory material.