This Decision addresses safety, proportionality and regulatory coordination issues related to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 923/2012 (the SERA Implementing Regulation (SERA IR)).
The specific objective is to mitigate the possible risks linked to the implementation of the SERA IR if the content leaves room for interpretation. To this end, and in order to facilitate the implementation, EASA is amending Decision 2013/013/R ‘Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to the rules of the air’, providing thus additional acceptable means of compliance (AMC) and guidance material (GM).
The AMC/GM issued through this Decision derive from the following sources:
- ICAO Annex 10, Volume II;
- ICAO Document 4444 (PANS-ATM);
- ICAO Document 7030;
- ICAO Document 8168 (PANS-OPS);
- ICAO Annex 2;
- The current practice in the EU Member States;
- Requests for clarification received from the stakeholders during the various consultations conducted on the SERA material; and
- A number of comments and changes made by the Single Sky Committee during the comitology procedure.
The proposals are expected to improve harmonisation and to ensure alignment with ICAO.