The project consists in the creation of a Central Repository of HR data, a data warehouse supported by the SAP Business Intelligence (the “SAP BI”) technology.
This data will be used by the designated recipients as specified at point 10. “Recipients of the data”, for periodical reporting and specific analysis. Here below some examples grouped by area of competence:
- Periodical reporting of the workforce, such as the filled posts, the headcount, the FTE or the title 1 expenses, complemented by contract type/grade/step, the work regime, the organisational unit, the gender, the nationality, the age or other personal and organisational data processed to enable the functioning of internal systems/processes (e.g. working time records). In this context, the user has the possibility to create matrix reports that include various interrelated information;
- Workforce planning, including Single Programming Document (SPD) mandatory reporting, encompassing the staff at a certain date in time plus planned “new-comers/movers/leavers”, but also the staff by contract category/grade, the gender statistic and any other requirement from the EU Institutions (EUI) reporting;
- Financial planning, including SPD mandatory reporting, specifically the calculation of the title 1 (costs of the staff) for planned workforce. This analysis requires the use of the data that compose the salary base, such as the contract type/grade/step, the work regime and leaves handled as specified at point 8.4, the nationality and place of origin, the marital status, the existence of children with their age and any other information resulting in a salary changed condition.
- Ad-hoc reports used for accounting purposes. This category includes the reports used for “allocation drivers” of the general and administrative expenses;
- Data analysis for administrative controls; this area of analysis aims at cross checking the solidity of the personal data, like the precision of the monthly salary slips calculation or the periodical data cleansing aiming at correcting errors/imprecisions.
For the purposes described, the recipients have the permission to use the data available in the BI repository; the same level of permission is also granted for the use of the data stored in SAP, by means of the reports offered by the SAP systems itself.
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