List of frequently used EASA abbreviations

Last updated: 15/06/2023

A aeroplane
AARC aircraft airworthiness review certificate
AB advisory body
AC, A/C, ac, a/c, acft (ICAO) aircraft
ACAS airborne collision avoidance system
ACC acceptance; area control centre
ACN aircraft classification number
ACNS airborne communications, navigation and surveillance 
AD airworthiness directive; aerodrome (ICAO)
ADR aerodrome
AeMC aero-medical centre
AFC approval of flight conditions
AFM aircraft flight manual
AGL above ground level
AIP aeronautical information publication
AIRAC aeronautical information regulation and control
AIRPROX aircraft proximity
AIS aeronautical information services
ALARP as low as reasonably practicable
AltMoC alternative means of compliance
AMC-20 General Acceptable Means of Compliance for Airworthiness of Products, Parts and Appliances
AMC acceptable means of compliance
AME aeromedical examiner
AML aircraft maintenance licence
AMM aircraft maintenance manual
AMO approved maintenance organisation
AMS apron management services
A-NPA advance notice of proposed amendments
ANS air navigation services
ANSP air navigation service provider
AOC air operator certificate
APAPI abbreviated precision approach path indicator
APU auxiliary power unit
AR authority requirements
ARA authority requirements (in the aircrew Regulation)
ARC airworthiness review certificate; area chart
ARC aerodrome reference code
ARO authority requirements (in the air operations Regulation)
ASBU aviation system block upgrades
ASC Air Safety Committee
ASDA accelerate-stop distance available
A-SMGCS advanced surface movement guidance and control system
ATA Air Transportation Association
ATC air traffic control
ATCO air traffic controller
ATIS automatic terminal information service
ATM air traffic management
ATO approved training organisation
ATPL airline transport pilot licence
ATS air traffic services
ATT attestation
ATTN attention
AT-VASIS abbreviated T — visual approach slope indicator system
AUR airspace usage requirements
A-VDGS advance visual docking guidance system
AWO all-weather operations
AWOSG All Weather Operations Steering Group (JAA)
BASA Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement
BIS best intervention strategy
BPL balloon pilot licence
BR Basic Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 (OJ L 212, 22.8.2018, p. 1))
C/S certifying staff; cycles per second
CA competent authority
CAA civil aviation authority
CAEP Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection
CAG collaborative analysis group
CAMO continuing airworthiness management organisation
CAT commercial air transport; clear-air turbulence
CAW continuing airworthiness
CBA cost–benefit analysis
CBR California bearing ratio
CBT computer-based training
CC cabin crew
CCA cabin crew attestation
CCD cabin crew data
CCM cabin crew member
CDL configuration deviation list
CEA cost-effectiveness analysis
CEO chief executive officer
CERT-EU Computer Emergency Response Team of the EU Institutions
CGA clear and graded area
CIE International Commission on Illumination
(Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage)
CM certification memorandum
CMPA complex motor-powered aircraft
CNS communications, navigation and surveillance
CO/CO2 carbon monoxide/carbon dioxide
COA continuing airworthiness organisation
CofA certificate of airworthiness
COM commercial other than CAT communications
CON conversion of national licences
CP concept paper
CPDLC controller–pilot data link communications
CPL commercial pilot licence
CRC cyclic redundancy check
CRD comment-response document
CRE class rating examiner
CRI certification review item
CRM crew resource management
CRS certificate of release to service
CRT Comment-Response Tool
CS(s) certification specification(s)
CS-22 Certification Specifications for Sailplanes and Powered Sailplanes
CS-23  Certification Specifications for Normal, Utility, Aerobatic and Commuter Aeroplanes
CS-25  Certification Specifications and Acceptable Means of Compliance for Large Aeroplanes
CS-26 Additional Airworthiness Specifications for Operations
CS-27 Certification Specifications and Acceptable Means of Compliance for Small Rotorcraft
CS-29  Certification Specifications and Acceptable Means of Compliance for Large Rotorcraft
CS-31GB  Certification Specifications and Acceptable Means of Compliance for Free Gas Balloons
CS-31HB  Certification Specifications and Acceptable Means of Compliance for Hot Air Balloons
CS-31TGB  Certification Specifications and Acceptable Means of Compliance for Tethered Gas Balloons
CS-34 Certification Specifications, Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material for Aircraft Engine Emissions and Fuel Venting
CS-36 Certification Specifications, Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material for Aircraft Noise
CS-ACNS  Certification Specifications and Acceptable Means of Compliance for Airborne Communications, Navigation and Surveillance
CS-ADR-DSN  Certification Specifications and Guidance Material for Aerodromes Design
CS-APU Certification Specifications, including Airworthiness Codes and Acceptable Means of Compliance, for Auxiliary Power Units
CS-AWO  Certification Specifications, including Airworthiness Codes and Acceptable Means of Compliance, for All Weather Operations
CS-CCD  Certification Specifications and Guidance Material for Cabin Crew Data
CS-Definitions  Definitions and abbreviations used in the Certification Specifications for Products, Parts and Appliances
CS-E  Certification Specifications and Acceptable Means of Compliance for Engines
CS-ETSO  Certification Specifications for European Technical Standard Orders
CS-FCD  Certification Specifications for Operational Suitability Data (OSD) 
— Flight Crew Data
CS-FSTD(A)  Certification Specifications for Aeroplane Flight Simulation Training Devices
CS-FSTD(H)  Certification Specifications for Helicopter Flight Simulation Training Devices
CS-FTL.1  Certification Specifications and Guidance Material for Commercial Air Transport by Aeroplane —
Scheduled and Charter Operations
CS-FTL.2  Certification Specifications and Guidance Material for Commercial Air Transport by Aeroplane —  Air Taxi Operations and Aeroplane Emergency Medical Service (AEMS) Operations
CS-FTL.3 Certification Specifications and Guidance Material for Commercial Air Transport by Helicopter — Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) Operations
CS-GEN-MMEL  Certification Specifications and Guidance Material for Generic Master Minimum Equipment List
CS-LSA  Certification Specifications and Acceptable Means of Compliance for Light Sport Aeroplanes
CS-MMEL Certification Specifications and Guidance Material for Master Minimum Equipment List
CS-P Certification Specifications for Propellers
CS-SIMD Certification Specifications and Guidance Material for Simulator Data
CS-STAN Certification Specifications for Standard Changes and Standard Repairs
CS-VLA Certification Specifications for Very Light Aeroplanes
CS-VLR Certification Specifications and Acceptable Means of Compliance for Very Light Rotorcraft
CT certification
CVR cockpit voice recorder
CWY clearway
DA decision altitude
DAH Design Approval Holder
DA/H decision altitude/height
D-ATIS data link — automatic terminal information service
DEC declaration; declared
DEF definition(s)
DG Directorate-General; Director-General
DGCA Directors General Civil Aviation (ICAO);
Directorate-General of Civil Aviation
DGs dangerous goods
DH decision height
DME distance-measuring equipment
DOA design organisation approval
DS(s) detailed specification(s)
DTO declared training organisation
D-VOLMET data link — VOLMET
E engine
EAFDM   European Authorities Coordination Group on Flight Data Monitoring
EAB EASA Advisory Bodies
EASA European Union Aviation Safety Agency
EASA MB EASA Management Board
EASP European Aviation Safety Programme
EASp European Aviation Safety Plan
EBT evidence-based training
EC European Commission
EC European Community
ECAC European Civil Aviation Conference
ECAST European Commercial Aviation Safety Team
ECCSA European Centre for Cybersecurity in Aviation
ECofA export certificate of airworthiness
ECQB European Central Question Bank
ED Executive Director
EDD Executive Director Decision
EEA European Economic Area
EEA European Environment Agency
EEC European Economic Community
EFTA European Free Trade Association
EGAST European General Aviation Safety Team
EGNOS European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service
EHEST European Helicopter Safety Team
EHSIT European Helicopter Safety Implementation Team
ELOS equivalent level of safety
ELT emergency locator transmitter
EMAS engineered material arresting system
EMK emergency medical kit
END EU Environmental Noise Directive 2002/49/EC
(OJ L 189, 18.7.2002, p. 12)
EOFDM European Operators Flight Data Monitoring forum
EP European Parliament
EPAS European Plan for Aviation Safety (former ‘EASp’)
ER essential requirement
ESPN-R European Safety Promotion Network Rotorcraft
ESSI European Strategic Safety Initiative
ETOPS extended range operation;
extended twin-engine operation;
extended range operation by twin-engined aeroplane
ETS EU emissions trading system
ETSO(A) European Technical Standard Order (authorisation)
EU European Union
EU-OPS It stands for Regulation (EC) No 859/2008 of 20 August 2008 amending Council Regulation (EC) No 3922/91 as regards common technical requirements and administrative procedures applicable to commercial transportation by aeroplane.

It represents the basis of commercial air transport (CAT) operations with aeroplanes, on which the CAT operations requirements for aeroplanes in the current Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 on air operations were built.

EVP executive vice president
EVS enhanced vision system
EVT evaluation task
FAA Federal Aviation Administration (USA)
FAB(s) functional airspace block(s)
FAK first aid kit
FC flight crew
FCD flight crew data 
FCL flight crew licensing
FCM flight crew member
FDM flight data monitoring
FDP flight duty period
FDR flight data recorder
FE flight examiner
FI flight instructor
FIC flight information centre
FIE flight instructor examiner
FIR flight information region
FIS flight information service
FL flight level
FMEA failure modes and effects analysis
FOD foreign object damage/debris
FRMS fatigue risk management system
FS flight standards
FSTD flight simulation training device
FSTD(A) flight simulation training device (aeroplane)
FSTD(H) flight simulation training device (helicopter)
FTE full-time equivalent
FTI flight test instructor
FTL flight time limitations
FTL.1   commercial air transport by aeroplane — scheduled and charter operations
FTS flight time specifications
GA general aviation
GAMET area forecast for low-level flights
GBAS ground-based augmentation system
GEN general
GHG greenhouse gas
GLONASS GLObal NAvigation Satellite System
GM guidance material
GMP general medical practitioner
GNSS global navigation satellite system
GPWS ground proximity warning system
H helicopter
HAPI helicopter approach path indicator
HAZOP hazard and operability
HB hot-air balloon
HC hydrocarbons
HEFA hydroprocessed esters and fatty acid
HELO helicopter external load operation
HEMS helicopter emergency medical services
HHO helicopter hoist operations
HIGE hover in ground effect
HOGE hover out of ground effect
HSST Helicopter Sub-Sectorial Team (JAA)
HUDLS head-up display landing system
HV height velocity
HVO hydrotreated vegetable oil
IA impact assessment
IAS indicated airspeed
IATA International Air Transport Association
IAW initial airworthiness
IBIS ICAO bird strike information system
ICA instructions for continued airworthiness
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
ICAO SARPs ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices
IED improvised explosive device
IFALPA International Federation of Air Line Pilots' Associations
IFR instrument flight rules
IHST International Helicopter Safety Team
ILS instrument landing system
IMC instrument meteorological conditions
INS inertial navigation system
IORS Internal Occurrence Reporting System
IPR intellectual property rights
IR implementing regulation; implementing rule
IRE instrument rating examiner
IRI instrument rating inspector
ISA International Standard Atmosphere
ISO International Organization for Standardization
JAA Joint Aviation Authorities
JAR Joint Aviation Requirement
KPI key performance indicator
LAPL light aircraft pilot licence
LCFZ laser-beam critical flight zone
LDA landing distance available
LDAH landing distance available (helicopter)
Lden/Lnight day-evening-night/night-time average sound level
LFFZ laser-beam free flight zone
LIC licensing
LO learning objective
LoA letter of agreement
LOC-I loss of control in-flight
LOFT line-oriented flight training
LoI level of involvement
LPL leisure pilot licence
LRST local runway safety team
LSA light sport aeroplane
LSFZ laser-beam sensitive flight zone
LTO landing and take-off
LVO low-visibility operations
LVP low-visibility procedures
MAB Member State Advisory Body
MB Management Board
MC medical certificate
MCA multi-criteria analysis
MCCI multi-crew cooperation instructor
MCF maintenance check flight
MDA minimum decision altitude
MDA/H minimum descent altitude/height
MDH minimum decision height
MDM multi-disciplinary measure
MED medical
MEL minimum equipment list
MET meteorological
MLRs manuals, logs and records
MLS microwave landing system
MMEL master minimum equipment list
MNPS minimum navigation performance specification
MOA maintenance organisation approval
MoM minutes of meeting
MPE maximum permissible exposure
MPL multi-crew pilot licence
MPSC maximum passenger seating configuration
MRB Maintenance Review Board
MRI mountain rating instructor
MS(s) Member State(s)
MST Member State task
MTO maintenance training organisation
Mtoe million tonnes of oil equivalent
MTOM maximum take-off mass
MTOW maximum take-off weight
NAA national aviation authority
NAVAID navigation aid
NCC non-commercial air operations with complex motor-powered aircraft
N-CMPA non-complex motor-powered aircraft
NCO non-commercial air operations with other than complex, motor-powered aircraft
NextGen Next Generation Air Transportation System (FAA)
NOTAM(s) notice(s) to airmen
NOX nitrogen oxides
NPA notice of proposed amendments
NPV net present value
NSA national supervisory authority
NVIS night-vision imaging system
OCA/H obstacle clearance altitude/height
OEMs Original Equipment Manufacturers
OFZ obstacle-free zone
OHMP occupational health medical practitioner
OJ Official Journal of the European Union
OLS obstacle limitation surfaces
OM operations manual
OPC operator proficiency check
OPS operations
OPSG Operational Procedures Steering Group (JAA)
OR organisation requirements
ORA organisation requirements (in the aircrew Regulation)
ORO organisation requirements (in the air operations Regulation)
OSC operational suitability certificate
OSD operational suitability data
P propeller
PANEP Pan-European Partners; Pan-European Partner Countries 
PANS procedures for air navigation services
PANS-OPS Procedures for Air Navigation Services — Aircraft Operations (ICAO)
PAPI precision approach path indicator
PBN performance-based navigation
PBR performance-based regulation
PC performance class
PCM project certification manager
PCN pavement classification number
PIC pilot-in-command
PL pilot licence
PM particulate matter; project manager
POA production organisation approval
PPB principal place of business
PPL private pilot licence
PPO principal place of operation
PRB performance review board
QE qualified entity
R/T radiotelephony
RAG Rulemaking Advisory Group
RES research task
RESA runway-end safety area
RETILS rapid exit taxiway indicator lights
RFFS rescue and firefighting services
RG review group
RI rectification interval
RIA regulatory impact assessment
RIE rectification interval extension
RM rulemaking
RMG rulemaking group
RMT rulemaking task
RNAV area navigation
RNP required navigation performance
RO regulations officer
rpm revolutions per minute
RSC Rotorcraft Sectorial Committee
RTC restricted type certificate
RTF radiotelephony
RVR runway visual range
RVSM reduced vertical separation minima
RWY runway
SAB Stakeholder Advisory Body
SACA safety assessment of community aircraft
SAFA safety assessment of foreign aircraft
SEC security
SE-IMC single engine — instrument meteorological conditions
SERA Standardised European Rules of the Air
SES single European sky
SESAR single European sky ATM research
SFE synthetic flight examiner
SFI synthetic flight instructor
SFL safe forced landing
SIB safety information bulletin
SIC safety information communication
SIMD simulator data 
SKPI safety key performance indicator
SMGCS surface movement guidance and control system
SMM safety management manual
SMS safety management system
SNP specified navigation performance
SOP standard operating procedure
SP safety promotion; safety publication
SPA specific approval
SPL sailplane pilot licence
SPN Safety Promotion Network;
specific performance-based navigation
SPO specialised operations
SPT safety promotion task
SRM safety risk management
SSP State safety programme; State safety plan
SSR secondary surveillance radar
STAN standard changes and standard repairs
STC supplemental type certificate
STD synthetic training device
STI synthetic training instructor
SWIFT structured what-if technique
SWY stopway
TAG Thematic Advisory Group
TAWS terrain awareness warning system
TC type certificate
TCCA Transport Canada Civil Aviation
TCO third-country operator
TDZ touchdown zone
TeB Member State Technical Body
TEC Stakeholder Technical Committee
TEM threat and error management
TGB tethered gas balloon
TGL Temporary Guidance Leaflet (JAA)
TI Technical Instructions (ICAO)
TK theoretical knowledge
TOA training organisation approval
TOCS take-off climb surface
TODA take-off distance available
ToR terms of reference
TORA take-off run available
TRA training
TRE type rating examiner
TRI type rating inspector; type rating instructor
TSO Technical Standard Order
UA unmanned aircraft
UAS unmanned aircraft system
UAV unmanned aerial vehicle
UG user guide
UPRT upset prevention and recovery training
US United States
VFR visual flight rules
VLA very light aeroplane
VLJ very light jet
VLR very light rotorcraft
VOLMET meteorological information for aircraft in flight
VOR very high frequency omnidirectional range
WA working arrangement
WG working group
WGS world geodetic system
WHO World Health Organization
WI work instructions
WIP work in progress
WOCL window of circadian low
WP working paper
ZFTT zero flight time training