SESAR Deployment

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The SESAR Deployment Manager 

 plans, synchronises, coordinates and monitors the implementation of the ‘Common Projects’ that mandate the synchronised deployment of selected ATM functionalities (AF) based on SESAR solutions. The current Common Project (CP1) [EU 2021/116] has 6 AF ( ) aiming to reduce inefficiencies and thus generate fuel and CO2 savings in different phases of the flight, especially cruise. The SESAR Deployment Programme 
 defines how the operational stakeholders will implement CP1 AF, which is due to be completed by 31 December 2027. The expected performance benefits from CP1 AF represent approximately 20% of the European ATM Master Plan performance ambitions for 2035 
 and will be a critical step towards sustainable ATM-related aviation in Europe. 65% of CP1 CO2 savings are expected to be found in the cruise phase, 25% in the descent phase and 10% in the taxi-out phase. By the end of 2023, CP1 already delivered €4.6bn worth of cumulative benefits. This value is set to reach €19.4bn by 2030, once the CP1 is fully deployed, whilst in a longer timespan CP1 is expected to bring €34.2bn worth of cumulative benefits by 2035 and €52.3bn by 2040.

 below details the total CO2 savings potential of concerned flights, that could be expected should all CP1 sub-AF concepts be deployed in the future ATM system with all technologies mature and realising their full benefits. The values in this table represent an order of magnitude of CO2 savings that can be expected from different sub-functionalities, and which highly depend on the specific conditions of the flight and the local situation.

The benefit-cost ratio (BCR) of the investment in CP1 AF shows the value of the investment by comparing the costs of a project with the benefit that it generates. In this case, it has been estimated that every euro invested into CP1 deployment brought 1.5 euros in return during 2023 to the stakeholders in terms of monetizable benefits, as well as 0.6 kg of CO2 savings (

). Furthermore, the BCR and CO2 savings are expected to increase overtime as CP1 AF are fully implemented ( ).


inside of an airport control tower

Skyguide introduced Free Route Airspace (FRA) within the area under its responsibility at the end of 2022 (Switzerland and parts of France, Italy, Germany and Austria). One of the objectives of Skyguide’s FRA project was to optimise flight trajectories between Switzerland and Germany, independent of airspace boundaries. A post-implementation analysis confirmed significant improvements in horizontal flight efficiency. Compared with the pre-COVID period, planned flight paths within Swiss airspace have been improved by 22%. As a result of cross-border FRA, horizontal flight efficiency performance at the Skyguide-DFS interface has also improved significantly, with planned and flown trajectories at the entry points improving by 16% and 19% respectively. In 2023, despite a 5% increase in traffic compared with 2022, planned and flown trajectories improved by 13% and 2% respectively, thanks mainly to Skyguide’s cross-border FRA.

Austro Control, in collaboration with the Federal Government, is enhancing transparency and public involvement regarding air traffic noise in Austrian airspace. In 2024, an innovative public participation process was launched, inviting citizens to engage and actively shape instrument flight rules (IFR) arrival and departure procedure changes in Austria. Through this initiative, citizens can propose enhancements to existing IFR routes and provide valuable feedback on new or modified routes. Submissions are reviewed by an expert panel, ensuring every input is considered and assessed. In the first two months of operation, more than 500 inputs were recorded and processed. The entire process is transparently documented, with Austro Control keeping the public informed every step of the way. It aims to enhance quality of life by reducing noise and fostering a safer, punctual, and environmentally friendly air traffic system.

The CONCERTO project aims to make eco-friendly trajectories an everyday occurrence in order to reduce the CO2 and non-CO2 impact of aviation. The project will look to integrate green air traffic control capacity into the system, and support stakeholders in balancing regularity and environmental performance at local and network levels. The project will do so by leveraging state-of-the-art climate science and data to allow ATM stakeholders to take their “eco-responsibility” to the next level. At the same time the project aims to demonstrate that mitigation measures can be deployed progressively at network level, in sync with scientific progress.

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