
ANSP Air Navigation Service Provider
ASK Available Seat Kilometre
ATM Air Traffic Management
CAEP Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection
CEM Collaborative Environmental Management

CO / CO2

Carbon monoxide / Carbon dioxide


Carbon Dioxide equivalent
CORSIA Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation
dB decibel
EASA European Union Aviation Safety Agency
EC European Commission
EEA European Environment Agency
EFTA European Free Trade Association
EPNdB Effective Perceived Noise decibel
ETS Emissions Trading System
EU European Union
EU27 27 Member States of the European Union
ft Feet
GHG Greenhouse gas
GWP Global Warming Potential
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
kg Kilogram
km Kilometre
kN Kilonewton
kt kilotonnes
kW kiloWatts
lbf Pound (force)

Lden / Lnight

Day-evening-night / Night-time sound pressure level
LTO Landing and Take-Off
MJ Megajoule
MRV Monitoring, Reporting and Verification
Mt Megatonne, million metric tonnes
MTOM Maximum Take-Off Mass
MW Megawatts
NGO Non-Governmental Organization
NM Network Manager
nmi nautical miles


Nitrogen Oxides


pkm Passenger Kilometre
PM Particulate Matter (nvPM – non-volatile, vPM – volatile)
RED Renewable Energy Directive
SES Single European Sky
SESAR Single European Sky ATM Research


Sulphur Oxides
UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
WHO World Health Organization