03/04/2023, 16:00 to 18:00 Cologne time (10:00 to 12:00 EST, 11:00 to 13:00 Brazilian time)
Please save the date and time in your respective calendar and join us using the Video conference(WebEx) link.
The CMT task force on EHPS is about to release a Decision Document defining the Loss of Power Control (LOPC) for electric engine on single engine GA aircrafts Level 1 and 2.
Before releasing officially the document, the members would like to present to the Industry:
- the proposed decision for LOPC of electric engine on single engine GA aircrafts Level 1 and 2, and
- a planning for the definition of LOPC for electric engines intended for other aircraft applications such as VTOL, multi-engine aircraft…
The key highlights of the Decision Paper will be discussed, and questions and feedback from the interested stakeholders will be gathered.
We look forward to welcoming you online on April 3rd 2023.
Note: The presentation from the Task Force members will last approximately 1 hour with an additional 45 minutes for Q&A.
For the Q&A session we kindly ask you to use the Slido tool to submit your questions:
Go to www.slido.com and enter the following code: #EHPS
Webinar Agenda:
• Context
• Task Force description
• Background and assumptions of the proposal
• The proposed decision for LOPC of electric engine on single engine GA aircrafts Level 1 and 2
• Interactions between the engine and the aircraft certification processes
• Next steps of the Task Force and associated planning
Event Materials
Documents after event
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philip.brooke [at] easa.europa.eu