Airspace of Egypt, North Sinai Governorate

CZIB number
Issue date
Revision description
  • 31/10/2023 - The validity of the CZIB was extended until 31 December 2023. No additional changes in relation to the content were introduced.
  • 8/04/2023 - The validity of the CZIB was extended until 31 October 2023. No additional changes in relation to the content were introduced.
  • 23/05/2023 - German AIC 07/23 issued on 18 May 2023 superseding AIC 05/23
  • 20/07/2023 - German AIC 12/23 issued on 13 July 2023 superseding AIC 09/23.


Referenced publication(s):

  • United Kingdom AIP ENR 1.1 issued 16 June 2022 (see Appendix 1)
  • German AIC 12/23 issued on 13 July 2023 (see Appendix 2)
Affected Airspace

Egypt airspace, Cairo Flight Information Region (FIR HECC), North Sinai Governorate

Applies to operators

The Agency draws the attention of the aviation community to the above referenced information, copies of which are attached to this CZIB. This CZIB is issued on the basis of information available to EU Member States and EU institutions. Due to the hazardous situation, it is assessed that the risk of operation and overflight over North Sinai Governorate below FL250 is HIGH.


Operators should take this information and any other relevant information into account in their own risk assessments, alongside any available guidance or directions from their national authority as appropriate. Latest operational information on ‘Closures and warnings’ issued by means of ICAO State Letters, NOTAMs, AICs/AIPs, EASA CZIB may be found in the Network Manager NOP Portal (password protected version). 

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Appendix 1

Source: United Kingdom AIP ENR 1.1 Section 1.4

Security - Hazardous Situation in Egypt
UK registered air operators are recommended not to enter FIR CAIRO (HECC) within the northern part of Sinai Peninsula bounded by 311400N 0322200E - 294000N 0324000E - 293000N 0345400E - 312000N 0341200E - 311400N 0322200E below 25,000 FT above ground level (AGL). Potential risk from anti-aircraft weaponry. Contact UK Department for Transport +44 (0)207-082 6639 or +44 (0)207-944 5999 out of hours.


Appendix 2

Source: German AIC 12/23 issued on 13 July 2023

Civil German air operators are recommended not to enter FIR CAIRO (HECC) within the northern part of Sinai Peninsula between 311800N 322000E and 293000N 324000E EAST to FIR CAIRO boundary below FL260. Potential risk from anti-aviation and ground to ground weaponry.