This Comment-Response Document (CRD) contains the comments received on NPA 2014-18 (published on 17 July 2014) and the responses provided thereto by the Agency.
In total, 157 comments were received by the end of the consultation period from interested parties, including EU Competent Authorities (CAs), aircraft manufacturers, air operators, and associations.
In general, the commentators were supporting the concept of CAT SET-IMC operations as well as the related proposals provided in NPA2014-18. However, the comments received on said NPA led to several changes to the proposed Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM), as well as to further amendments to the Annexes (Part-ARO, Part-ORO, Part-CAT and Part-SPA) to Regulation (EU) No 965/2012.
Based on the comments and responses thereto, Opinion No 06/2015 was developed and it is published concurrently with this CRD.
For information, the Agency developed the related draft AMC/GM which are also published in this CRD.