The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) issues, as necessary, acceptable means of compliance (AMC) and guidance material (GM) to Annex I (Part 21) to Regulation (EU) No 748/2012 to illustrate the means for stakeholders to establish compliance with the Regulation or to illustrate the meaning of a requirement. These AMC or GM require regular amendments to take specific safety issues into consideration and introduce new or amend the existing acceptable means of compliance or procedures.
The objective of this Decision is to:
- address a safety recommendation following an accident that occurred in Norway on 29 April 2016;
- resolve certain recurrent implementation issues by improving the text of the AMC and GM to Annex I (Part 21);
- leave no room for misinterpretation of the Regulation, as noticed during design organisation approval (DOA) holder initial investigations and surveillance activities, by including clarifications;
- align the means of compliance with the current industry practices; and
- remove unnecessary guidance material and correct typographical errors.
Decision 2021/001/R amends the AMC and GM to Annex I (Part 21) to Regulation (EU) No 748/2012.
The amendments are expected to increase the efficiency of implementing Annex I (Part 21) and ensure alignment with the current industry practices.