Notices of Proposed Amendment (NPAs)

The Agency consults its draft regulatory material in the form of Notices of Proposed Amendments (NPAs) to collect views from stakeholders for consideration before issuing its Opinions and Decisions. Depending on the subject, the Agency reaches out to the public or in a more focused manner to Member States, other affected and interested parties, the EASA Advisory Bodies and/or experts.

The NPAs published for public consultation are shown here. The Agency uses for such consultations its Comment Response Tool (CRT). The CRT allows users to review NPAs and place their comments.

The NPAs that were consulted in a focused manner with Member States, other affected and interested parties, the EASA Advisory Bodies and/or experts are published under ‘focused consultations’.

Displaying 1 - 2 of 2
Notices of Proposed Amendment (NPAs)
Publication date Title Comments via CRT
Requirements for air traffic services
NPA 2016-09(B)
Requirements for air traffic services
NPA 2016-09(A)
Displaying 1 - 2 of 2