What are Sustainable Aviation Fuels?

A Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) is a sustainable, non-conventional, alternative to fossil-based jet fuel. Several definitions and terminology apply, depending on regulatory context, feedstock basis, and production technology.

According to the ReFuelEU Aviation Regulation, SAF are defined as various types of drop-in aviation fuels ( 

). For instance, aviation biofuels mean biofuels as defined in the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) 
 and excluding fuels produced from food and feed crops as well as other feedstock specified in Article 4 of the Regulation. Finally, for synthetic aviation fuels, a variety of terminologies are used, such as liquid Renewable Fuels of Non-Biological Origin (RFNBO) in ReFuelEU Aviation, but also electrofuels, e-Fuels and Power-to-Liquid (PtL). 

Both ReFuelEU Aviation and the EU Emission Trading System (ETS) use the RED as their basis and all eligible fuels need to comply with the sustainability and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction criteria set out in the RED.

The reliable performance of aviation fuel is essential to the safe operation of aircraft and is a matter of airworthiness requiring harmonised international practices. What is commonly referred to as “aviation turbine fuel”, is a highly specified technical material, characterised by many chemical and physical properties defined by technical specifications, such as the ASTM D1655 and DEF STAN 91-091 

. These specifications are developed and maintained by ASTM International and United Kingdom Ministry of Defence (UK MOD) respectively, with support from stakeholder groups such as Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), fuel producers, fuel suppliers, airline operators and regulatory bodies. These fuel standards list the requirements for Jet A/Jet A-1, which is aviation turbine fuel for use within gas turbine engines.

Qualified production pathways are listed in ASTM D7566 

, which sets out the standard specification for “aviation turbine fuel containing synthesized hydrocarbons”, meaning fuels that are of non-conventional origin. Each type of production pathway is defined in terms of feedstock, conversion technology, fuel specification properties, and maximum blending fraction. After fulfilling blending requirements in ASTM D7566 Table 1 the fuel is redeclared and treated as a ASTM D1655 Jet A/Jet A-1 fuel.

As of October 2024, eight SAF production processes have been standardized by ASTM and consequently been adopted by other fuel standards 

. In addition, three pathways for the co-processing of renewable feedstocks in petroleum refineries are qualified 
 with a feedstock blending limit of up to 24% (see  ).

In order to be included in ASTM D7566, novel SAF production pathways need to go through a thorough qualification process specified in ASTM D4054 

. This process includes the testing of fuel samples, ranging from small-scale laboratory tests with a limited amount of fuel to full rig- and engine-testing that requires thousands of litres. The resulting research reports are then reviewed and approved by the OEMs before being proposed as ballot for inclusion of a new Annex to ASTM D7566. This is both expensive and time-consuming for all involved stakeholders, which has led to the setup of several SAF Clearing Houses to support this process (see textbox).

There is substantial work being done within fuel standard committees to increase the blending limits for both SAF and the co-processing of renewable feedstock in conventional refineries. For the latter, there are ambitions to increase the limit to 30% by 2025 as the existing infrastructure can be immediately deployed to increase the sustainable share in aviation fuels and support fulfilling the mandates without requiring major investments. The research work required to remove the blending limit and enable the use of 100% SAF is ongoing (see textbox).



The EU SAF Clearing House

, which is funded by the EU and managed by EASA, is a ‘one stop’ knowledge centre providing all the information, data and stakeholder connections needed by fuel producers seeking to advance through the ASTM qualification process described above and contribute to the production and supply of sustainable aviation fuels.

Each of the approved SAFs within the ASTM D7566 Annexes has its own characteristics and is tapping into certain categories of feedstock. To be able to produce enough SAF to meet the future needs of the aviation sector, more pathways that tap into new feedstock that have good sustainability characteristics and are economically viable are required.

Approved SAF currently have associated maximum blending ratios ( 

) that may limit the ability to use larger amounts of SAF in the future. As such, dedicated task groups within fuel standard committees are assessing two options to facilitate the use of 100% SAF in aircraft with an initial timeline of having fuel standards ready by latest 2030: 

a. 100% Drop-In SAF: Jet Fuel Fully Comprised of Synthesized Hydrocarbon as a drop-in replacement, which is identical to Jet A/Jet A-1 
b. 100% Non-Drop-In SAF: Non-Drop-In Fully Synthetic Aviation Jet Fuel is aromatic free fuel, which is close to Jet A/Jet A-1 but would be a different fuel.

 The 100% Drop-In SAF will be a modification to the existing ASTM D7566. One option to realize such a fuel is to blend two or more SAFs to produce a fuel with characteristics that are fit for purpose in terms of 100% use. Another option is the adaptation of currently used raw materials and production processes to produce a fully formulated 100% SAF in a single process stream (e.g. AtJ, FT- SPK/A and CHJ) or the use of new raw materials and processes yet to be developed and approved. In the last two years, the successful use of 100% Drop-In SAF was demonstrated in experimental flights by different commercial airlines in tight cooperation with OEMs and airworthiness authorities. The 100% Non-Drop-In SAF would be a new fuel standard specification. It could be used in designated aircraft/ engines only and would require a separate supply chain. A major motivation for this new fuel type would be to significantly reduce emissions that contribute to non-CO2 climate impacts and local air quality. For (non-aromatic) 100% Non-Drop-In SAFs a series of research and test flights proved their positive effects on emissions and contrail formation. Furthermore, valuable data was collected that will support the specification of a 100% Non-Drop-In SAF. A collaborative effort across the aviation ecosystem aims to maximize global impact, with standardization and technical readiness currently in progress. Ongoing impact analysis focuses on fuel production, while further studies are necessary to address infrastructure challenges associated with 100% Non-Drop-In SAF.

With a variety of feedstock categories that can be used to produce SAF ( 

), the production can be tailored to the specific circumstances of a country and thereby support diversification of fuel supplies. Four of the production pathways that are expected to play a major role in the future are Hydroprocessed Esters and Fatty Acids (HEFA) (TRL8 8-9), Alcohol to Jet (AtJ) (TRL 7-8), Biomass Gasification with Fischer-Tropsch (Gas+FT) (TRL 6-8) and Power-to-Liquid (PtL) (TRL 5-8). New production pathways and suitable feedstocks are being developed. Methanol- to-Jet is one promising technology that is being worked on by several companies and is currently going through the qualification process. The advantage of this pathway is that it can be used both with biomass feedstock as well as a conversion technology for Power-to-Liquid fuels.

Hydroprocessed Esters and Fatty Acids (HEFA). Currently the most viable option to produce SAF due to its commercial and technical maturity. Feedstocks include waste and residue fats, such as vegetable oil, used cooking oil, and animal fats, as well as purpose-grown crops like jatropha and camelina. These feedstocks are processed with hydrogen to remove oxygen and create hydrocarbon fuel components. However, supply will be limited by the availability of sustainable feedstock and competition from other sectors, such as road. In addition, with growing demand there is a risk of potential fraud from the use of feedstock that does not comply with the sustainability criteria (see textbox on Sustainability Certification Schemes).

Alcohol to Jet (AtJ) and Biomass Gasification with Fischer-Tropsch (Gas+FT). AtJ fuels can be produced from agricultural residues and crops and the renewable fraction of municipal waste via an alcohol synthesis. Gas+FT converts biogas or syngas from similar feedstocks into fuel. Both methods can be produced with or without aromatics. Aromatics are essential for the performance of certain aircraft engine components (e.g. seals) but have environmental drawbacks in terms of particulate matter emissions. On the other hand, the production with aromatics would enable future 100% drop-in SAF production (see textbox) once the two pathways develop and are commercially available in the EU for aviation fuel production

Power-to-Liquid (PtL). These fuels offer one of the highest potentials to scale-up production capacity in the future. While not being limited by sustainable biomass availability, they are reliant on access to sufficient additional renewable energy electricity, and an energy efficient conversion process, to achieve significant CO2 emission reductions. Water and electricity are used in an electrolyser to generate hydrogen, which is then combined with CO2 to create syngas. This syngas can then be further converted to SAF via the Fischer-Tropsch (FT) pathway or the Methanol-to-Jet pathway (currently in the ASTM D4054 qualification process). The CO2 required for the PtL process can be obtained from industrial waste gases, biomass, or direct air capture (DAC). With DAC, the CO2 is directly captured from the air through filters. As the concentration of CO2 in the air is low, this process is very energy intensive but offers high CO2 emission reduction potential once the technology has further matured.

2 The listed feedstocks are technologically feasible for the specific production pathway, but not necessarily applicable under certain regulations (e.g. ReFuelEU Aviation). 
3 FT-SPK: Fischer-Tropsch synthesised paraffinic kerosene. 
4 HFS-SIP: hydroprocessed fermented sugars to synthetic iso-paraffins. 
5 FT-SPK/A: Fischer-Tropsch synthesised paraffinic kerosene with Aromatics. 
6 CH-SK: catalytic hydrothermolysis synthesised kerosene. 
7 HC-HEFA-SPK: Synthesised paraffinic kerosene from hydrocarbon-hydroprocessed esters and fatty acids. 
8 Technology Readiness Level.