This Notice of Proposed Amendment (NPA) proposes changes to the Certification Specifications and Acceptable Means of Compliance for Airborne Communications, Navigations and Surveillance (CS-ACNS), to support the design and production organisations and in particular the aircraft operators required to provide ADS-C EPP (Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Contract Extended Project Profile) part of ATS-B2 (ATS baseline 2), in accordance with AF6 (ATM functionality 6 - initial trajectory information sharing) of Commission Regulation (EU) 2021/116 Common Project One (CP1).
As this proposal provides only the minimum changes required, it is expected that it will be followed by an additional regulatory effort to address the remaining and future data link connectivity challenges in line with the vision expressed in the ‘Future Connectivity for Aviation – FCAV’ white paper. The subsequent regulatory effort may be captured by various ‘regular update’ rulemaking tasks or by the RMT.0682 on ‘Implementation of the regulatory needs in support of the SESAR deployment’.