Training the next generation of ATCOs
Setting performance standards for the initial training output based on the principles of competency-based training and assessment, enabling the virtualisation of training and the acceptance of third-country ATCO licences
The objective of the proposed amendments in this Notice of Proposed Amendment (NPA) is to achieve European-wide performance standards concerning the output level of air traffic controllers’ (ATCOs) initial training, to maintain a high and uniform level of safety and enhance efficiency and flexibility in the training and availability of ATCOs.
Under Subtask 4 of RMT.0668 EASA aims to:
- harmonise the initial training output to handle complex and dense traffic situations;
- enhance the regulatory framework for instructors and assessors by setting the required performance standards using the principles of competency-based training and assessment (CBTA), which is also the ICAO preferred route to all aviation personnel licensing; and
- enable the utilisation of virtual training proposals stemming from the COVID-19 RNO project.
In addition, under Subtask 3, through the new proposal for a delegated act, Member States will be able to positively respond to conversion requests from third-country ATCOs that are interested in obtaining European Union licences, while taking account of their prior training and operational experience. This will also contribute to a more flexible use of the available ATCO resources and thus to a better air traffic capacity management across Europe.